Hyakuren no Haou to Seiyaku no Valkyria


The story starts with telling of a legend about how one will be transported to another way if they look into the mirror in a enshrined in a shrine. And this story is supposingly fake as the elements in this legend are added over the years by the people, rather than it being passed down properly by the people.

Then it goes to the MC side with him, participating in a test of courage. And of course everyone knows what will happen next, the MC tried to show off to his childhood friend and attempted a selfie. Yes a selfie with the mirror! Gosh this is obvious that it is a flag for the activation of the supposingly fake legend. And the MC get transported to another world? that summoned him with a ritual.

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1 Year, 3 Months ago

@admin Thank you very much.

1 Year, 3 Months ago

@Caesar2022 We’ve added volume 24. Enjoy reading on and if you share our site on social media, it’ll be a good support and we’ll appreciate it…

1 Year, 3 Months ago

@admin Thank you very much for the information.  Hope you resolve the issue soon.

1 Year, 3 Months ago

@Caesar2022 My bad, yeap I mean vol 24, but we’ve an issue about illustrations on the server. So vol 24’ll be added in November.

1 Year, 3 Months ago

@admin Don’ you mean volume 24?  I only ask because you had said it would be up in 2 weeks about 3 weeks ago.

1 Year, 3 Months ago

@Caesar2022 Hi Caesar2022, We’ve revcieved your e-mail and screenshot. We’ve checked “contact us” on different browsers, but we can’t detect any issue. If you’re using vpn, that issue maybe would be happening. You may use comment section or send e-mail to “[email protected]” as well. Besides we’ll update volume 25 in November. Enjoy your readig on our site…

1 Year, 3 Months ago

@admin So I attempted to use the “contact us” option again and encountered the error message issue again.  Since I seem to keep having issues with that I was wondering if there is there actually any difference between using the “contact us” option on the site and sending an email to the address you gave.  Also, when do you think you will be updating the rest of the chapters for volume 24 of this novel?

1 Year, 4 Months ago

@admin Thank you.  I attempted to send a message to get a screenshot but it actually went through.  As best as I can remember, the glitch was a circle with an exclamation point inside a triangle that counted down and then redirected to the previous page.

1 Year, 4 Months ago

@Caesar2022 In two weeks we’re planning to add volume 24…. We’ve double checked the “contact us” and it’s working. if you send the screen shot of the error message that you’re getting, to “[email protected]”, we can check the issue. On the other hand, your last message in the system sent on 08.05.2023 about the subscription e-mails.

1 Year, 4 Months ago

I was just wondering if the “contact us” option is functioning properly?  I ask because I sent a message concerning when Volume 24 of this series will be up (it was released on September 14), however the same error message issue I mentioned previously popped up.

1 Year, 7 Months ago

@Caesar2022 We’ll add it in a few hour…

1 Year, 7 Months ago

I was wondering when we could expect Volume 23 to be posted, as it was released on June 22, 2023.  Also, I had noticed that a couple other novels I’ve subscribed to haven’t been updated, so I tried sending an email to the following address ([email protected]) because when attempting to use the “Contact us” option I keep getting an error message so I’m uncertain if it is sent successfully.

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