The warm end of spring. The clear days of the approaching early summer continued, and the park, covered in vivid green, was bustling with a fair number of people.
As she sat on a bench with a parasol shading her, Miyo’s eyes dropped down to her lap.
Kiyoka looks very comfortable.
Using Miyo’s lap as a pillow, Kiyoka had nodded off to sleep.
The Special Anti-Grotesquerie Unit, believing a strong grotesquerie that could potentially harm others seemed close at hand, had been in utter chaos day in and day out—gathering information, holding meetings about how they should respond going forward, and how they would confront said grotesquerie should it arrive, all on top of carrying out their normal duties.
This situation had continued from the day that Kimio tried to attack Miyo, all the way up to now.
Kiyoka was finding it hard to take a break, and he wanted to relax and talk together during his lunch hour for a change, so they rendezvoused in the park at noon.
Sitting side by side on the bench, they ate the lunches Miyo had brought with her, and they had only just found a moment of respite, but…
Soon after Kiyoka suddenly put his head down on her lap, he began to rhythmically breathe in slumber.
“Enjoy your nap, darling.”
Addressing him with the pet name she was finally able to use without issue, Miyo gently brushed away Kiyoka’s silky hair from his face with a caress.
Even then, not a single one of his long eyelashes twitched at all.
The exhaustion had really built up, just as she thought. It was understandable.
For no particular reason, she gazed up to the sky. The blue was gradually growing deeper and more vivid, getting ready for summer. The fresh greens and the blue sky were layered against each other, and just gazing at them made her feel refreshed and invigorated.
The warbling of the nightingale that occasionally came to her from somewhere in the distance had gotten much more sonorous, compared to the faltering chirps of springtime.
It must almost be time for him to go back.
After this, Kiyoka would return to the station and work late into the night.
Miyo couldn’t bear to wake him when he looked so comfortably asleep; however, it was unavoidable.
Miyo quietly called out to him. Then, this time gently and softly caressing his head, she said it again.
“Darling, please wake up.”
His eyelids quivered. He slowly opened his eyes, meeting hers.
“Good morning.”
“…Yes, good morning.”
She found him so precious, returning her greeting in his hoarse, waking voice. Despite spending every day together, she hadn’t grown accustomed to her feelings of love, and instead, they only deepened day by day.
Every time she learned a new side of Kiyoka, her heart would pound, and she fell further in love with him.
Even the cold comments he had thrown at her when they first met, when she looked back on them now, seemed endearing and adorable to her, proving that her feelings of love were out of control.
“How long was I asleep?”
“Only about ten minutes. Were you able to get some rest?”
“Yeah… That lap of yours is dangerous. If you hadn’t woken me up, I would’ve stayed fast asleep.”
After blinking his eyes several times, Kiyoka abruptly roused himself, let out a sigh, and stood up. Then he held out a hand toward Miyo.
“Let’s go. I’d feel bad for everyone if I was out of the station for too long.”
Miyo took his outstretched hand without a moment’s hesitation and gripped it to stand herself up.
However, after she had stood, her hand was pulled lightly, and the distance between her and Kiyoka instantly narrowed. Then, a very brief, light kiss came down onto her lips.
“K-Kiyoka! N-not, not in a place like this!”
She never guessed he would do something so bold, outside and in broad daylight. In spite of Miyo’s unrest, Kiyoka grinned, making no attempt to hide his glee.
“Let’s go.”
“W-wait a moment.”
Naturally, they both brought their hands together.
“When work quiets down, do you want to go on a honeymoon?”
“…Yes. I would love to.”
“Go ahead and think of where you want to go, then.”
Miyo and Kiyoka walked off beneath the pleasantly breezy sky as they conversed about simple, trivial things.
Enveloped in more happiness than she had ever experienced before, Miyo broke into a broad smile.
Tem previsão para a light novel volume 8? Is there a release date for light novel volume 8? My happy marriage