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Chapter 4   

  Liliana Masquerade 


 The square in front of the tower of the Fourth District had become a battlefield between Priscilla Barielle and the Archbishop of Sin of Wrath. It was night, but the burning tower illuminated the scene of this dramatic spectacle with a flickering red light. The canals were also on fire, burning with white fire born from the magic of the Yang Sword. From behind the wall of embers, the faces of hundreds of people who had been entangled by Sirius were peering out. 

Just a moment ago, it seemed that Priscilla had the upper hand over the Archbishop. Liliana held her breath as the Blood Bride moved at the speed of the wind to behead her opponent... But then something bizarre happened. 

It is said that just before death one sees everything in slow motion. Liliana, who had starved more than once during her wandering life, had experienced this. Now something similar happened to Priscilla. Her movements suddenly became soft and slow. She had no chance to protect herself from the heavy impact of Sirius' chains. The shockwave alone made the stone slabs in the square crack. The princess collapsed backwards. 

Oh no! What if it hurt her beautiful face! Or... killed her?! 

Liliana trembled. 

- Lady Priscilla! Lady Priscillaaaaa! 

The aristocrat gracefully turned on the fly, slammed the Yang Sword into the ground, and backed up to hold her position. 

- Relax, Songbird. I'm all right. 

- Huh?! What do you mean?! 

When Priscilla raised her head, Liliana was amazed to see that her companion's white skin was completely intact. Sirius' attack hadn't even scratched her. 

Suddenly there was a quiet crack, followed by the breaking of one of the jewels on Priscilla's necklace. It was a magnificent ornament that consisted of a gold chain, the same setting, and three huge green stones. 

- You will pay dearly for this jewel. - The princess squinted her eyes. 

- Ah, I see! - Sirius clapped her hands. - You paid dearly for your health. How much hubris... Maybe... No, it's impossible... it? 

- I am not interested in speculations made by plebs," growled Priscilla irritably. - You will pay for your impertinence with death. How would I end up with you? Perhaps you would like to try what it is like to burn endlessly with a fire that cannot be extinguished? - With every word, she became more and more carried away by her nerves, and the sword in her hand glowed even more intensely. The sword, which had just been glowing red, now became so hot that it emanated an almost white light. 

Lady Priscilla is so angry... It must have something to do with what the Archbishop just said! "Iris and the King of Thorns..." 

Sirius still mentioned "The Silver Rose Knight" and "Magrita's Execution". Liliana knew these stories very well. She presented them herself during her performances, reciting the fates of the characters in verse and complementing them with dance and music. 

Why did Lady Priscilla get mad when she heard their titles? 

Unlike the agitated aristocrat, Sirius was completely calm. 

- Please don't be so angry," she said kindly. - Anger is tiring, it hurts the heart. It is the worst of all feelings. But the human heart functions because of them. It should be filled with joy and happiness. Don't you think so? 

- Well, the people behind the canals don't look happy.... 

- Hmmmmm?! 

- Huh?! OH, MY GOSH! Did I say that out loud! - Liliana realized with horror that she had caught Sirius' attention. Pierced by the look in his violet eye, she felt her knees tremble. 

- It's true. Right now they are ruled by anxiety and sadness, which is very sad.... But it also proves that a person's heart can be filled with compassion and love at the same time. 

- What! 

- Those who are under the influence of my Authority open their hearts. In this way they can communicate with others to convey feelings that they could not put into words. Humans are wonderful beings, capable of compassion and empathy! When they empathize with each other, when they grieve with others, that is when universal love emerges! The understanding born of this is the first step to love. 

Sirius' logic was like sweet poison. Liliana understood how damaging those words were, but they listened so well... So it was hardly surprising that people succumbed to it, falling to their knees, seeking rescue in it. Such power could be resisted only by someone exceptionally independent and with a big ego. That person was Priscilla. 

Excited by her idea of love, Sirius looked as if she had fallen into ecstasy. 

- It's idiotic," Liliana said without thinking. 

- Hm? - the Archbishop wondered. 

- Well... I think you're an idiot... Eheem... Well... Can you see them? And most of all... can you hear them? - The girl pointed at the people crowding behind the curtain of white flames. 

They were spinning in circles as if someone was moving them, devoid of consciousness or control over what feelings were flowing through them. 

- This is supposed to be understanding! Is that what empathy looks like?! 

Liliana had extremely sensitive hearing. From where she stood, she could hear all the inhabitants, and each of them individually. She was always amazed by the variety of voices. The subtle differences made everyone unique. She thought it was the same with feelings. 

Every smile is different. 

- It's disgusting... 

The idea that forced equality brings happiness just seemed hideous to her. 

How can she tell us that this is what understanding looks like? After all, that's moronic! Forcing someone's feelings has nothing to do with empathy! I'm about to show her the real sharing of emotions! 

The distraught minstrel was breathing heavily with agitation. Her petite shoulders rose and fell nervously. 

- You'd better shut your mouth and listen to my song! - she shouted, thundering Sirius with her gaze. 

The Archbishop was clearly surprised that anyone besides Priscilla had resisted her sweet arguments. How had Liliana done it? This time the key turned out to be not a burgeoning ego, but a belief in the power of poetry. 

Sirius, when she realized this, raised her arms abruptly. With a rasp, the chains soared towards the minstrel and would have inevitably shattered her head had Priscilla not repelled the attack with the Yang Sword. 

- You finally showed your true face! - exclaimed the aristocrat. 

She stood in front of Liliana to protect her from the oncoming chains. 

- What? - Sirius didn't understand. 

The red-eyed woman smiled mockingly. 

- Some things are easier to keep quiet, right? Please, how did that little Songbird get you off balance. You respond to words with aggression. How low... 

- No. No, no, no, no, noooo! 

Clearly, she had hit her rival's tender spot. Sirius immediately screeched horribly, grabbed her head, and began mumbling desperately: 

- Never! I would never let myself be carried away by such an impulse! It was rational... 

Agitated, she tried to find some logical explanation for her behavior, but to no avail. Priscilla was right - the minstrel had simply gotten on her nerves. 

- I see that you don't understand, so I will explain everything to you right away," said the princess. - Your attack on Liliana was not a calculated move. You were driven by the simplest anger, which arises in people when unpleasant words reach their ears. It is anger, but an anger stirred by the lowest instincts. 

This only enraged Sirius more. 

- My anger has nothing to do with such a thing! - she roared, and the chains flew with redoubled speed. 

Priscilla merely smiled mockingly and twirled the Yang Sword. Sparks rained down. The surface of the square cracked even harder. 

- Anger is a priceless gift I received from my husband! A treasure he chose for me, just for me! 

- It's laughable for a husband to give his wife anger. I already had seven, but they won my affection with material gifts. 

- Seven?! And I connected with one and it took me so long to get him! 

- It's not my problem that nature has sapped you. While we're on the subject, I don't know how that poor man can look at you. 

After these words, Sirius ignited an anger that almost took physical form. 

- How dare you! We are bound to each other by deep affection! - she wailed, and her entire figure literally burst into flames. The chains also coiled into the shape of a giant flaming snake, which immediately collapsed on its victim. 

Sirius' anger grew stronger, and the flaming hurricane grew with him. Priscilla didn't turn to ash just because of the magic of the necklace. Surrounded by the heat, she had nowhere to run. She stabbed the Yang Sword into the ground, at least in this way, to sow resistance to the incoming wave. Then, with a crack, another of the jewels broke. And then the last one. The necklace tore from the princess' white neck and flew away, swept away by the magical storm. 

- I share a deep love with him! He is a serious, sincere and loyal man, he never gives up! There are too many who confuse loyalty with innocent love! They take advantage of kindness! Ah! Aaaaach! How terrible, how sad, how awful! Why do you tease my heart so freely? An agitated heart gives birth to anger! The agitation turns into a flame that grows to consume the guilty! Or is it time for you to burn too? And so you are alone! - wailed the Archbishop. She raised her arms again, and the flames around the chain again formed the shape of a serpent, which collapsed on the candidate for the throne. 

- Stupid woman, listen to yourself. 

Priscilla deflected the serpent's head with a sparing swipe of her sword. As its body veered off course and slammed into the ground, she slid gracefully between tongues of fire and shards of stone slabs to get away from Sirius and her hurricane of flames. The serpent moved in pursuit, destroying everything along the way. The princess found herself at a disadvantage. She had to devote all her energy to defending herself. 

Liliana looked at it horrified. Just when she was beginning to lose hope that Priscilla would be able to attack... 

- Oh dear, it's all about me here! - she exclaimed suddenly. 

Only now did she realize that the Bloody Bride had not specifically gone on the offensive. She was playing for time, aware that if she hurt Sirius, all the people trapped by her power would suffer, including Liliana. 

Priscilla was a proud aristocrat with an oversized ego who usually only cared about her own well-being. Nevertheless, she risked her life for Liliana. She led Sirius around by the nose to give the Songstress time to gather strength and courage to begin her performance. 

- Gee, you should have said it right away! Is it so hard to express yourself, Lady Tits! - The girl stomped angrily. - Damn it! She could have just confessed that she had a weakness for me! Okay, she had already said something like that once. Aaaah, come on! Lady Priscillaaaa! 

The Princess, hearing her name, looked at Liliana, squinting her eyes, and then shifted her gaze to what the Songstress was pointing her finger at, She smiled slyly and nodded. 

- What is this looking sideways! You are about to be burned by the fire of my wrath! 

- It's none of your business what I do! Don't flatter yourself by thinking that fighting you is a challenge! 

She stopped another attack with a sword blade, then jumped away from Sirius. After a moment, she was already at the base of the burning tower. 

- What a simpering flame. Poor work. Let me show you what it should look like," she announced, thrusting the Yang Sword into the base of the tower. 

Liliana watched in amazement as the tower fire underwent a transformation under Priscilla's magic. After a while, instead of the ominous red flames that Sirius had created, the building glowed with a completely different light - white as snow. It had something pure, wonderful, almost divine about it, and at the same time it seemed unimaginably hot.... 

The princess looked at Liliana. 

- The stage is set. I hope to at least have a good time. 

- Of course! Yes, sir! The order is accepted! - The girl rushed running to the tower gate. 

Furious, Sirius held out his hands, ordering the snake to attack Liliana. 

- This flame is a symbol of my and my husband's love! What have you done to him! 

- I think it would be better for you if you didn't set buildings on fire while talking about love! It's obvious right away that you're the villain in this story! Bye-bye! What did I tell you?! - said the Songstress, smiling impudently. The fiery snake was getting closer, but she didn't care about the danger. After all, Priscilla was with her. 

- You have to face me first. Surrender! 

The Bloody Bride replaced the snake's path. Liliana saw the white radiance of the Yang Sword out of the corner of her eye, then the severed head of the magic monster flew over her head. The sounds of a fierce battle rang out. 

- Phew... Phew... I ran up a bit and was already getting tired.... I was too comfortable in this city! - muttered the minstrel as she made her way to the gate of the tower, exhausted. 

When she lived a nomadic life, she used to sleep in the forest on moss. In Priestella, she had become completely lazy - now she could only fall asleep in a soft bed. 

- It's all Mr. Kiritakaaa's fault... 

He was the one who kept her here, called her the Songstress, and placated her like a queen. Everyone began to pamper her, and Kiritaka himself showered her with compliments so often that she began to wonder if she should avoid him. She softened. She could no longer call herself a wanderer. 

Come on, come on! Liliana, remember how tough you used to be! 

She clenched her teeth and jumped into the fire, clutching the lily. 

- Ghhhhhhhh! 

An unimaginable heat wracked her, she felt pain. She would have screamed... but she couldn't. She didn't want to rip her throat out. A white flame consumed her soul... and only that. Skin, hair, lily-no. 

That one from the canal is like that too. It's the same fire! 

The flame that Priscilla Barielle conjured was an exact reflection of her personality. Pure, white, deadly, but gracious to a select few. 

The songstress was able to run into the building without fear. Unfortunately, the fire was monstrously hot. For Liliana, every second in the tower meant excruciating pain, from which she twisted inside. 

I'm safe. I'm not going to die. 

She felt like she was on fire. She was losing consciousness... 

It's all just an illusion. I am, I exist to sing... 

She clenched her teeth so that they clattered. She ran upstairs. 

Second floor, second floor... How many stairs can this building have?! Where's the exit to the roof?! Where am I?! White fire everywhere, hot, terribly hot, hot! 

- Ah... - she moaned, unable to bear the temperature, She wanted to scream as much as she could, 

NO. I can't. What if I rip my throat out and then can't sing? I can't bite my fingers either. I need them to play. I don't care about my eyes or my skin or my hair, but I need my throat, my fingers and my ears! I'm not giving that up! I have to perform! 

She ran up the stairs and kicked the heavy door open. A starry sky appeared before her eyes. A strong wind blew, scattering sparks and playing with the flames. She ignored the tongues of fire swirling at her feet and ran shakily to the edge of the roof. 

Down in the square, she spotted two small figures - a red one and a white one. Behind the burning canals, the despairing citizens of Priestella were crowding in. 

It was monstrously hot in this place, too. She felt as if her feet were charring. A flame whipped up by the wind danced over the top of the tower. She clenched her teeth as one of the tongues of fire struck her in the chest. 

- Ufff, ufff... What a scene! This is my chance of a lifetime! 

She thought she was about to faint from the heat and pain. She could barely breathe, but she couldn't die after all. She had something important to do. 

I made it. I made it. Everyone will see and hear me! 

- Come on! Lend an ear, those of you gathered here today! You who are closer will have the opportunity to admire my movements! And you from the farthest rows, let my voice reach your ears as well! The beautiful Liliana Masquerade will sing, dance, and showcase her talent! Listen up! This is "Farewell, Red Dawn"! 

It's time to get all the hot feelings out! 

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