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 Now let's go back in time a bit to when Otto met Felt and Gluttony, Garfiel was stomped on by the Eight Arm, Wilhelm saw his wife's face for the first time in many years, Julius and Ricardo faced off against the other Gluttony, the canals around the tower in the Fourth District ignited with white flame, and a certain wedding was interrupted... 

Just then the enemy broke into the town hall. 

- Cha, cha, cha, cha, cha! I have arrived! - announced the intruder in a piercing, high-pitched voice. When she laughed, her ears hurt. 

She was a pretty young girl with sparkling red eyes, golden short-cropped hair and a slim figure. She would even look cute if it were not for her exaggeratedly skimpy outfit. The sight of a child dressed like that made her uncomfortable. What was Capella Emerada Lugnica, the Archbishop of Lust, looking for in the town hall? 

There were makeshift hospital beds in the room she had broken into. 

- Archbishop of Lust! - cried the one who had first crossed her path with a voice trembling with anger. 

In front of Capella stood a petite girl with cat ears who tried to threaten her with two short knives. Her clothes were stained with blood. 

- Oh dear," cried Capella, tilting her head. - Why did you stay here? Now, at a time like this, during the general mobilization? Everyone's on the move to bring justice to the dreaded Witch Cult! You don't want the Water Gate City to remain in its hands, do you? Then why are you here and not with the others on the battlefield? You must not abandon your comrades! That's not allowed! Not nice! Doesn't everyone agree with me? 

Capella suddenly took the form of a young man and answered herself: 

- Yes! Exactly! We should all do our part to protect the city! 

- We will get our beautiful home back! - she added boldly as a girl, then, turning into a soldier with a stern expression on her face, she shouted: - Justice is on our side! We will win! 

At the end, she seamlessly transformed into a young woman. 

- Good deeds will be rewarded! Bad actions punished! This battle will end in our victory! - she added and returned to her original form. She stuck her fingers in her arms and groaned. 

Though she could create completely different entities, she had the same nasty, contemptuous smile in every form. 

- This is the Authority of Lust? - choked out the stunned girl. 

- Uhahahahaha! Can you not look at me with such eyes? What greed! Rest assured, I allow everyone to love me, you too! My love doesn't discriminate against those who like people of the same... Hm? - she paused. She saw that the girl was covering someone with her own body. 

On the bed lay a woman with long green hair that was apparently more precious to her than life. Capella squinted her red Eyes with interest. 

- And yet," she sighed, more bored than disappointed, "As you can see she can't handle blood. Well, that's how I thought he was unfit, Nevertheless, now I'm heartbroken! He has such a noble pedigree! 

- Shut up! Don't look at Lady Crusch like that! What have you done to her! How can she be cured! - shouted the agitated girl. A flush of anger bloomed on her pretty face. 

Capella glanced at the beautifully decorated knives with the lion crest. They didn't look like real weapons, most likely they served an ornamental function. On top of that, the maiden didn't really know how to hold them. It was a very sad sight. 

- Remember, anger is bad for beauty... What are you trying to do to me with those toys? - Lust mockingly stuck out her tongue, then suddenly furrowed her eyebrows, surprised. - Hm? There's something wrong here. After all, you're... a man! But you look so... It's unnatural... How much have you affected your body? Disgusting. 

The boy swallowed the insult with difficulty. 

- Have you adopted this appearance in order to seduce men? If so, I can see that you have seen through the nasty human nature," Capella whined. - Yeah, men are idiots. Women are trash. All people are shit. These are only valid conclusions! 

- Shut up! Shut up! I don't want to hear... I want answers! What have you done Lady Crusch! - shouted Ferris once again. 

Capella shrugged her shoulders. Suddenly, to the knight's stupor, her face began to dissolve, changing shape. 

- Ah... 

- Did something surprise you? - said Lust, combing through her long green hair. 

Ferris turned pale. He felt his hands tremble. 

- There you go, all you had to do was change into someone you love, and it's a completely different reaction. But that face, that body, that voice, and most of all, what's inside... is still me! 

Capella-Crusch laughed nastily. She came so close to Ferris that he could smell her breath. She took the hand in which the knight held the knife and put the blade to her breast. With the tip she touched the place where her heart was. 

- Before you stands the enemy. Take revenge for all my suffering. It hurts... it hurts so much... Quickly, do it, please... Do you hear me? Your lady is asking. 

The knife dug deeper and deeper into the fabric of her blouse. Ferris felt immense pain. He knew it was Capella in front of him and not his beloved mistress, but listening to the Archbishop speaking in Karsten's voice was a veritable torture. His breathing was labored and he could not focus his eyes. He had been given a chance by fate to avenge his mistress. Indeed, it was enough for him to stab his enemy with a knife, and it would surely reach his heart. 

- Come on! Get in, get in, get in! Pound it! - she commanded. 

Ferris pushed with all his might. 

The sharp tip entered the flesh with ease, slipped between the ribs and reached the heart. The knight twisted his hand, then drew it back. A stream of blood gushed from the deep wound. Ferris had to jump away to keep it from spraying him. Panting hard, he looked at Capella... At Capella-Crusch, who stood in a rapidly growing pool of blood. The knife fell out of his hand and fell to the ground with a clang. Capella-Crusch fell to her knees, and blood poured from her mouth. She squirmed in pain and looked at Ferris in disbelief. 

- It hurts... It hurts so much... Why did you... did you do it? 

It's not the real Lady Crusch, it's not the real Lady Crusch.... but... it looks exactly the same... 

He clenched his teeth. 

- You ordered me! You made me do it! 

- It hurts... I suffer... It's terrible... You did something terrible... And yet we're lovers... 

- That's not true! We would be connected by something so shallow! 

- Really? - She asked with a dumbfounded look on her face. - Oops, didn't work out," she muttered indifferently, then rubbed her chest. 

The wound was gone. Capella-Crusch shrugged her shoulders as if nothing had happened. There was no trace of suffering on her face. 

- Let it be, however, without preparation it makes no sense. I thought that since I have a case of great affection between master and servant here, I could create a scenario about scandalous love.... Shit, failure. 

- This is a farce... What do you want?! What do you want from us?! 

- E, nothing in particular. I just like it. Sometimes I turn into a wife to pass the time and have my husband murder me. You know, stuff like that. I came because I thought there was a perverse story hidden in here about an aristocrat who likes to dress her knight in women's clothing. 

- What do you know about us! This is about a promise, not some shallow game! - shouted Ferris, panting with anger. 

Capella-Crusch tilted her head. 

- I believe that sexual preferences should not be thought of as something shallow! - she announced, and then raised her hand, which suddenly began to change. After a while, instead of a hand, she had a giant carnivorous flower, and thick wriggling tentacles grew out of it. With one of them she struck Ferris and pushed him against the wall. - You are exactly as fragile as I expected. If you want to become a woman so badly, why don't I help you? Shall I give you what you've always wanted to have? 

- With me... what you want... but leave Lady Crusch... 

- Ha! How nice of you to put her welfare ahead of your own! Nice, but stupid. You can give yourself a break. Would you like to hear how to heal her? I'd like to know that myself! 

The writhing tentacles immobilized Ferris' arms and legs, painfully pressing his slim body against the wall. He felt that his bones would not last long. He screamed loudly in pain. Capella-Crusch watched with satisfaction as he suffered. 

- I'm very sorry to have to go now, but I don't have time to play. I'm looking for something very important. Somewhere in here... 

- Za.... 

- Hm? What? Are you begging for your life? Or do you have a last wish? - Capella was interested, bringing her ear to his lips. 

- You're pathetic," he choked out in disgust. 

Suddenly, some destructive force hit Capella's tentacles and transformed arm. The flower lost its color, then rotted and fell off. Ferris broke free from between the decaying legs. The startled Archbishop looked at her arm. 

- Oh, dear? What happened to me? 

- Let's just say you're not the only one who likes to outsmart the enemy sometimes," said someone behind her back. 

Capella-Crusch turned to look at whoever had attacked her, and then a powerful, burning light hit her. The beam, was so hot that the temperature rose throughout the room. It hit the Archbishop right in the face, smearing her left side. 

The room filled with the stench of charred flesh. Capella, who had been hit, bent down and stuck out her long tongue, which slid in a snakelike motion over the damaged tissues. 

- Ryeeed... i... faeshhh... - she started to speak, but her burnt lips were unable to articulate sounds. She gave herself a few seconds to recover. - Right in the face of your own ally? Not nice," she repeated. 

She was a red-eyed blonde again. She looked at the person who had attacked her. 

It turned out to be the green-haired woman on the bed. 

- So did you beat the blood? No.... It's not her. Who are you? 

- You behave extremely impudently for an uninvited guest," said the girl who was lying in bed. She took off her wig. - My name is Anastasia Hoshin. I am temporarily in charge of this city," she introduced herself proudly. 

- So I was right the first time. You attacked your own ally! Not nice! You are cruel! - grumbled Capella, massaging her face. 

- "An ally..." - Anastasia shook her head. - 'We're not allies, we're rivals. Turning into Crusch won't do you any good. 

- So did you do it with an eye toward future conflict? With the satisfaction of imagining how you would someday trample her? 

- That would be confusing privatism with duty. I punched you in the face because I hoped it would kill you," Anastasia sighed. - Fiery, as it turns out. 

- You're terrifying! You smoke another woman's face with a smile, you explain with a smile how logical it is. That's the kind of pile of meat I like! - Capella laughed with contempt. 

- Don't give me that look of affection. I wouldn't be able to return it. You see, I have a weakness for fluffy ones. I like to stroke their fur... fur - said Anastasia jokingly. She decided to approach AE professionally, as if she were a troublemaking customer. 

- You seem to have been waiting here for me. How is that possible? You couldn't possibly know... 

- Hm? I was sure you would come here. After what Subaru said through metia, you couldn't help but show up. Especially having such a nasty character. 

- Huh? 

- A transaction is successful when the other party does exactly what we want. I just figured I would use the same strategy I used to use at work. 

Anastasia was convinced that the Archbishop of Lust would not let go. She sent the wounded to the nearest evacuation point, set a trap, and waited patiently. The building was completely empty at the moment, not counting her, Ferris and someone else. 

I don't think she's noticed him yet... 

- So you figured you'd wait here for me in disguise? Brilliant plan! But how are you going to beat me with a lineup like that? One girl and one kitten, neither of you look like you can do anything to me. 

- "Girl!" Oh my, I'm blushing. It's very nice that you're making me younger, but I'm actually older than you. Much older,' Anastasia answered cheerfully, throwing the Archbishop off the scent. 

- I wonder if you'll be so confident when I turn you into a caterpillar," she said, wryly. - Why don't we check : 

- You startled me! I'm so scared that I think I'm going to say goodbye to you already! 

Only now did Capella understand why Anastasia was having such an unhurried, relaxed conversation with her. She wanted to buy time. 

- So let's go back to the fact that I knew you would show up. Of course, I was well prepared for that. Any merchant would have done so - She tapped gently on the floor, as if giving someone a sign. 

Suddenly, the boards under Capella's feet collapsed with a clatter, and she plummeted downwards. However, she didn't stop a floor below - the attackers had prepared themselves and provided her with a long flight of several stories, all the way to the underground canal. 

With a smack, she hit a hard, cold surface. It took her a good few moments to right her body. She looked around, then burst into hearty laughter. She was laughing her head off. 

- Uhahaha! What was that! This is so cool! I want it again! 

She looked up at the opening that was high above her head. 

- I am touched that you gave me such a great welcome party! I'll be right there to teach you a lesson. I will train you so that you will already know that you can only love me! In my arms! - she cried out with a groan of pleasure, blushing at the same time. 

- You're not going anywhere," she was interrupted by a low, muffled, somber voice. 

When the man stepped out of the shadows, Capella squirmed in disgust. 

- My sense of aesthetics does not allow me to show pity for those who hide their ugliness," she muttered disdainfully. 

- Yeah? It's nothing. My sense of aesthetics doesn't allow me to look at you anymore. Let's make this quick," he sighed, as if he were carrying some kind of burden. - You must have heard up there. That mean blonde has already seen through you. Although... she's certainly not nastier than my lady. 

A sword clanged as it was drawn from its scabbard. A thick, heavy blade glinted in the darkness. 

- I'm not in the mood for long chats today, so as far as greetings go, I'm Al and that's all you need to know. If you want to go back upstairs, over my dead body," he said, aiming the Blue Dragon Blade at her. 

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