Meet Rio: a callous orphaned boy living in the slums. At only 7-years-old, he realizes he’s actually the reincarnation of Haruto Amakawa, a Japanese university student with a tragic past. While still reeling from this shocking epiphany, Rio also comes to learn that he possesses extremely potent magical abilities and uses his new powers to solve the kidnapping case of a little girl. His good deed is acknowledged, and he’s rewarded by being enrolled into… a prestigious academy for noble children…?
Click to view Official Volumes of Seirei Gensouki: Spirit Chronicles on Amazon. (Collaboration)
@Figaro likely on may 5th
volume 24 was it published?
@AkylTownly There is no valid release date for volume 24, but we’re expecting it in March, 2024…
When will Volume 24 be released?
@Figaro added…
please add volume 23
when will volume 23 be released ?
when will volume 23 come any idea ?
when will vol 21 be updated?
@Jecabz, vol. 17’s added…
Uhmm what time is it added vol. 17?? It supposed to be RN right??
@Kilroy, there’s a delay, It’ll be released on December 21, 2021…
@Admin Please update volume 17 of this LN
When vol.17 released date??
I love this series, can’t wait for volume 17.
@Jue_Viole_Grace, on December 12, 2021…
I have read the volume sixteen, so I was wondering when will you release volume seventeen?
delightful history ... thank you guys for the hard work…
@kazuhaha, on September 24, 2021…
when is the next update?