Space Speed Xing Hen - Chapter 3.2

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CHAPTER 3 : Tian Hen’s Spatial Discipline (Part 2)


Translator : eveningBoat 

Editor : eveningBoat 


Stub­born­ness in Tian Hen’s heart made him sit up on the bed, he pulled out all the tubes connected to his body, in his eyes flashed a ray of light, all that he ex­pe­ri­enced in the past few years since this day became even more clear, Tian Hen was very calm, he didn’t impulse and leave im­me­di­ately, he sat crosslegged on the bed, and en­tered the cul­ti­vation con­di­tion ac­cord­ing to the Uni­ver­sal Qi Cul­ti­va­tion Method.
Only by main­taining his best phys­i­cal state could he cope with everything, even if he couldn’t re­sist, at least he could fly.
Ac­cord­ing to the records of the books he had, Univer­sal Qi cultivation is di­vided into three parts, each part had dif­fer­ent stages, but the books he ob­tained only recorded the Cul­ti­va­tion Methods of the first part of all the stages, after ar­riv­ing at Thun­der­clap Com­pre­hen­sive Academy, he had also checked the Cultiva­tion Methods in the li­brary, in the academy, there were only the cul­ti­vation methods of the first parts too.
Following the first part of Uni­ver­sal Qi Cultivation mehtod, Tian Hen’s mood soon en­tered a gentle state, his mind became completely open, he felt the mys­teries of the Heaven and Earth, and each pore of Tian Hen’s body com­pletely open­ed, ab­sorving these mys­ti­cal strength of Heaven and Earth. Like a gentle and warm air flow con­tin­u­ously circulating in­side Tian Hen’s meridians, and with each circulation, Tian Hen could feel the rapid restoration of his body.
Suddenly, Tian Hen’s thoughts became like pure run­ning water, a cool feel­ing quickly in­te­grated with the circulation of Uni­ver­sal Qi, along with the sen­sa­tion of sur­round­ings atmosphere, Tian Hen dis­cov­ered, that cool feeling seemed to be also circulating, not only recovering with the Uni­ver­sal Qi, but continuously growing.
The addition of this cool feeling, en­abled Tian Hen to more clearly feel everything around him, absorbtion of Uni­ver­sal Qi was also greatly benefiting along with it, com­pared to his usual cul­ti­vation, this was many times faster, Tian Hen could even feel a lit­tle warm flow en­tering thorough the pores of his body, after this process of fu­sion with Tian Hen’s body, the mixed Qi discharged. Tian Hen’s con­scious­ness gradually in­te­grated into this won­der­ful process, and un­know­ingly, he lost the perception of out­side world.
When Tian Hen sobered once more, he dis­cov­ered that his body seemed to have changed, his body contained much more and condensed Uni­ver­sal Qi than before, that cool feeling had vanished, and his physical state was surprisingly good, each and every merid­i­ans of his body seemed broader, suddenly, Tian Hen hear­d a slight breathing, he quickly restrained his consciousness, and opened his eyes.
Tian Hen sub­con­sciously looked at the di­rec­tion that the sound of breath­ing came from, what he saw was a hand­some mid­dle-aged man, the man was sitting by the bedside, gaz­ing at him, seeing Tian Hen open his eyes, the man could ­not help but smile : “I thought that your body had a big prob­lem, but it seems like you’re better than ever.”
Seeing this per­son, Tian Hen quickly jumped down from the bed and re­spect­fully said: ” Teacher Damon (Da Meng), I’ve made you worry.”
Damon, is the person who brought Tian Hen to the Thun­der­clap Compre­hen­sive Academy, he accidentally dis­cov­ered Tian Hen who was using Flight Tech­nique in his hometown, he was very surprised at that time, and in­quired why Tian Hen had this Cul­ti­va­tion Method. Tian Hen answered truthfully.
After Damon con­vinced Tian Hen’s par­ents, he im­me­di­ately took him to the Thun­der­clap Com­pre­hen­sive Academy to study, by his opinion, Tian Hen’s in­tel­li­gence and tal­ent was good, and he will only stay burried in that re­mote and bar­ren place. His words moved Tian Hen at that time, it made Tian Hen not give a thought about the op­po­si­tions of his par­ents and he left the slum where he lived for so many years. At that time, Damon said to Tian Hen,
“If you want to help your par­ents live an easy and com­fort­able life, fol­low me.”
For these five years, Damon had been funding all the expenses of Thun­der­clap Comprehensive Academy for Tian Hen, besides his parents, Damon was the person Tian Hen was most grate­ful and respectful to.
Damon looked at his student with a self-sat­is­fied smile and said: “I heard that the academy has al­lowed you to grad­u­ate, and has also re­warded you 1000 uni­verse coins.”
Tian Hen nod­ded, and handed his status card to Damon, “Teacher,these 1000 uni­verse coins I want give back to you first, and, after I get a job, I’ll con­tin­ue to re­turn rest of the school ex­penses.”

Al­though Tian Hen loved money, but his sentiment for Damon was already far above money, if it wasn’t for Damon, he would still be stuck at the slums, the pre­sent him wasn’t possible with­out Damon.
Damon shook his head and said: “I don’t want, you also know that I do not lack these.”
Tian Hen cer­tainly knew that Damon was from an aris­to­cratic family, his family’s factory built the mejority of the Flight Vehi­cles in Thun­der­clap Star, as well as the neigh­boring more than 20 planets, although it was not as rich as the Lei Dong Group, but it was still quite well known in the en­tire Galactic Al­liance.
A stub­born look ap­peared on Tian Hen’s face, he firmly said: “Teacher, you must ac­cept it, al­though I know that money can­not repay your kind­ness to me, but now I can only do this much.”
Damon gently shoved away Tian Hen’s hand and said: “Let’s not talk about this now, just what happened to you then, can you tell me?”
Tian Hen nod­ded, here he only trusted Damon the most, he said with a smile: “Since you don’t want it, I won’t force you, if I give this money to my mother back home, I don’t know just how happy she will be.” Here, Tian Hen’s look became gloomier,
“Teacher, I think you also know about Lianna and my mat­ter, yester­day…”
then, he talked about all the mat­ters that happened this day, to Damon, he didn’t have anything to con­ceal­, in­clud­ing William’s death.
After listening to the nar­ra­tion of Tian Hen, Damon fiercely stood up, his breathing became some­what rapid, steadily looking at Tian Hen he ur­gently asked: “These mat­ters, did you tell others about it?”
Tian Hen shook his head.
Damon re­laxed, “That’s good, promise me, don’t ever talk about this to any­body again, also, you have to hide the fact about your Space Con­trol abil­ity, you can­not re­veal it un­less there is no other way, oth­er­wise, once this happens again, this will definitely bring great trou­ble­s to you.”
Tian Hen doubtfully asked, “Teacher, did I really kill William? what’s the matter with that Space power?”
Damon gave a forced smile: “I didn’t think that you will have such a tal­ent un­ex­pect­edly, its good to not know some­ things. you must believe Teacher, Teacher will not harm you. As for William’s mat­ter, don’t think about it again, if somebody asks you, you must deny it im­me­di­ately. Yeah, Lianna this girl was also too will­ful, you were so good to her, un­ex­pect­edly she was so…”
Tian Hen’s whole body shook, Lianna was so beautiful, but she was actually so un­feel­ing. Lianna was Damon’s elder sis­ter’s daughter, they met through Damon, looking that his Teacher’s face wasn’t as cheer­ful as before, Tian Hen low­ered his head:
“Teacher, it was me that was no good, I am the one to blame for being use­less, this had nothing to do with Lianna.”
Damon deeply looked at Tian Hen, then lightly sighed: “Good, no need to raise these again, real men will have no lack of wife. Your Universal Qi cul­ti­vation progress was much faster than I expected, do you know? there are not even hundred people on Thunderclap Star who can cul­ti­vate to the first stage like you, what a pity, I do not have the lat­ter two parts of the Cultivation Method, that is after all an Al­liance se­cret.
Oth­er­wise, if you could cul­ti­vate the sec­ond part, not only your Flight Tech­nique will en­hance once more, maybe there was also the possibility…” here, Damon sud­denly stopped, as if it was a taboo, then said: „You should stay in the academy for now, as for William’s mat­ter there’s me. After I han­dle this mat­ter, I will talk to you about the mys­tery about that Space power.”
Tian Hen didn’t say any­thing again, he just gen­tly nodded, and accepted his Teacher’s good in­ten­tions.
Damon patted Tian Hen’s shoul­der: “Be­sides the Flight Tech­nique, you again made Teacher sur­prised. Since you re­cov­ered, first return to the dor­mi­tory, there wait for other news.” Then, he turned around to leave.
“Teacher Damon, can you tell me what is Saint League?”
Hearing this question Damon’s face turned pale, turning his head, he steadily gazed at Tian Hen, “Don’t ask something like this again, don’t ask anybody. Saint League is not a thing the pre­sent you can understand.” Throwing down these words, he quickly left.
Looking at his Teacher’s back, the stubborness in Tian Hen’s eyes became even more pow­er­ful, then he bowed at the di­rec­tion Damon had de­parted, “Sorry, Teacher. You have helped me too many times, I can­not in­crease your trou­ble­s again. Sorry.”
Leaving the infirmary, Tian Hen didn’t re­turn to the dor­mi­tory, be­cause there, he al­most didn’t have anything to take, the daily necessities, he doesn’t want to take away, as for that honor insignia, he didn’t even know his own fate anymore, it wasn’t anything im­por­tant now.
Tian Hen re­or­ga­nized his clothes, at the academy’s front door, after another iris au­then­ti­ca­tion, he bravely went out of the Thun­der­clap Com­pre­hen­sive Academy where he studied for so many years. Whether the road ahead him will be smooth or rough, he didn’t know.
Fi­nally, Tian Hen once again looked at the Thun­der­clap Comprehensive Academy’s front door, Tian Hen knew that from this mo­ment, everything will only depend on himself. Tian Hen still remembered the shame Lianna gave him, he se­cretly pledged, in any case, he will only live like a real man.

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