The Primordial Record - Chapter 1120

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Chapter 1120: Droplets Of Infinity

Setting aside all thoughts of the future and any plans for the mysteries surrounding his life, Rowan dwelled inside his Ascendant nature, he needed to master Dan, and enter the higher dimensions.

He allowed himself to become the flame

He permitted his soul to become all that he was, and the senses he had once lost returned to him, more powerful than before-Soul Sight. If he had been inside a field of endless ice for a million years, it was as if he wrapped himself in a warm towel inside a warm home as an icy storm raged outside, it was so comfortable that Rowan nearly groaned aloud.

In his present state, the sound waves that would emerge from his body would probably wipe out a third of the Blood Blessed settling around his body.

Leaving the comfort of his soul, he unleashed his perception outward and he froze as the information nearly overloaded him, and in a short while, he mastered everything that was filtering into his soul. Rowan could tell the difference between his Consciousness Pillars and his Soul.

If it was the former it would not have mattered the complexities of the information entering his mind, it would coldly separate everything and could never be truly overwhelmed, and Rowan feared that no matter how powerful a soul would turn out to be, in some instances it could never be equal to his Consciousness Pillars.

The soul exists in a separate dimension from the material realm, and so its method of observing reality is naturally different.

He perceived lights and colors, yet they were not lights or colors, instead, they were various concepts of reality being manifested as a completely new type of existence and transcended the state of physical manifestation, but the soul could capture those concepts in a way that the spirit could loosely interpret them and if he applied himself, he could understand them, and Rowan knew that with this understanding power would follow.

In this state, a powerful soul could essentially see time and taste color, even smell sound... Yet this was not his it truly was, only as the Spirit perceived it as.

Rowan felt his soul smiling, Will was truly fascinating. The excitement of walking into a brand new realm was something that he had not felt for a long time.

It was easy to lose focus at this time and let his mind wander at this massive revelation, but Rowan refused to be distracted and channeled his thoughts into finding the First Dan, due to the prevalence of Time, it was inevitable that he would explore it first, and he realized why it was inextricably linked to the Fourth Dimension.

Anyone that wanted to walk a higher path would inevitably have to explore Time first because the damn thing had soaked into every layer of existence. Rowan sighed and took the plunge, he needed to understand all he had to work with first before he took the plunge.

His heart showed him Time as music, soft and lilting, yet it was inexplicably heavy when he peered deeper, its weight was enough to crush everything.

Its path could not be changed, its flow could not be stopped and anyone who wished to control it must make use of the Chains.

Rowan paused, the word Chains was a sudden intrusion in his understanding of Time dragged to a halt when the thoughts of chains entered it.

He stopped and looked at the higher dimension... truly stopped and peered into it with his heart and not his head, and then he heard it, extremely faint but as his focus deepened he could understand more of what he was hearing.

They were screams of pain. Time itself was screaming.

Rowan's soul pulsed, flashing brighter as it forced it to burn. He was a Primordial Ouroboros and he could heal from burning his soul, he commanded the City of Sheol, and his Will of Soul Origin meant he could unleash the power of his soul in a way that it was not meant to be


His soul became the brightest light inside this infinity and then he could truly see.

Rowan Soul began to scream.

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