The Primordial Record - Chapter 1193

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Chapter 1193: Prisoner Of Oblivion

These thoughts ran through Rowan's mind like a storm, and he found out that he was pushing more mental resources to handle these revelations than he had previously imagined he would be allocating.

He did not know if what he was thinking was the entire truth, it seemed almost too ridiculous, but he could not afford for it to be, at least not now when he could do nothing to affect or change this situation,

'As if life would ever be that accommodating,' he chuckled internally, finding it funny that he could find levity in a moment like this. He was kinda, becoming fond of his newly gained soul. Although Rowan knew he should not be focusing on these matters for now, because as far as he could tell, the rest of the Primordials were still invested in maintaining reality, if that was not the case then they would not have created the Supreme Era thus the Supreme Circles, and if they were still alive, Chaos and Time would never prevail.

All of these gave him a feeling of being a tiny cog in an incredibly vast machinery. The more mysteries of reality were unveiled, the more he understood that he knew nothing about it. This would have been exciting, if not for the incredible dangers that ignorance brought in a reality like this. When push came to shove, there would be no one to guide your hand, for now, he could only leave the continued existence of Reality and Time to the Primordials to worry about.

There would be a time when he could no longer ignore this problem, and something was telling him that that time was rushing ever closer to him, faster than he might have liked, but for now he had present dangers that he could not ignore because his choice or apparent lack thereof in this situation could be a spark that might lead to reality changing in a direction that was unknown.

What would the Eye of Time be able to accomplish with a complete Anima? Could he destabilize the entirety of reality? Would his actions here mean that Rowan was already playing on the stage with Primordials or was he just a pawn in the hands of something so above him that he never had a choice in the direction that his story might head?

All of these were superfluous thinking, Rowan cajoled himself, he knew that the Eye of Time did not show him anything or tell him anything without a meaning tied to it, and it was up to him to interpret that meaning in a way that would make him come on top, nothing else mattered for now.

A rough estimation of this soul power would be splitting a Primordial into pieces would mean the emergence of an infinite number of eighth-dimensional entities.

So knowing all of this, how could an entity that was this powerful be held back by a concept as frivolous as death?

Learning that Chaos's body was what created the entirety of space, thereby suggesting that reality itself was Chaos's body only cemented the omnipotence of Primordials in his mind.

If the hidden reason for the Eye of Time showing him the truth behind reality was to leave Rowan in awe, it had succeeded.

Perhaps at this level, a primordial could never be killed, just banished. Transformed into a state where its presence could no longer actively affect reality because the death of any primordial would be too costly or perhaps impossible given the present nature of things.


"This is the great darkness, the beating heart of Chaos, without it, he would be like me... mindless and in pieces, fighting for scraps," the Eye of Time pointed out with cold fury and then it tapped the air again, and space rippled, the distortion spreading further, as the maps widened and various dominions began to be added to the Great Darkness or connected to this massive space that held all the third-dimensional universes in existence,

"The power of Soul my sister, cannot be contained and so it is leashed inside the Gates of Oblivion, and as Chaos is bound by the gates, he also binds the power of Soul. It is the reason why mortals could only be born inside the Great Darkness. I hate him with all my heart but he is a deceptive bastard... how could I have stood by and let them take you?"

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