A wave of heat poured through Ascendant Sun Dilos, tearing away nearly half of the limited amount of Core Aura he had, his entire existence would have been destabilized if his
surroundings were not filled with Ascendant Aura that his body greedily drew upon in massive waves that created a storm of Ascendant Aura around him for miles.
In the Chaos, he could sense another wave storm of Ascendant Aura, and perhaps because he could sense it so clearly and knowing they were in danger, led him to quickly cut himself away from the Ascendant Aura streaming into his body, and this time it was a wave of chill that brushed past him, so potent that it sliced through half his body and he was blasted away for miles.
Although still disoriented he tried to call out for Trelmol, but it was too late, not as adept in large-scale combat as Dilos, he had not quickly shut himself from drawing in Ascendant Aura, and Dilos eyes opened to see a massive Ascendant Sun rising, but in this place there could not be a greater mistake.
He saw what had torn through half his body in an instant they were massive silver bolts, the smallest was around ten thousand feet long and the speed they traveled with was so extreme that they left long cracks in space that froze over, creating long lines of burning silver fire behind in space, it was almost entrancing to watch.
The Ascendant body of Trelmol was battered by billions of these bolts!Nôv(el)B\jnn
Trelmol did not even have the time to scream, his body was like an airbag that had been punctured so badly that its structural integrity simply became nonexistent.
Even as his body collapsed into nonexistence there were still plenty of chances to save him, and that was when Dilos comprehended the full horror that they had been thrown into.
Two massive presences had appeared in the realm, so gargantuan that it almost defied imagination. One of which was a massive landmass that hovered above the realm, covering nearly a third of it, which meant that Dilos could not even see the full extent of this land mass, and he was an Ascendant Sun.
From this land mass streamed a seemingly unending tide of silver, Dilos could only watch in mute awe as more of these creatures kept emerging, an unholy merger of man and scorpion, the eight stingers they carried were responsible for shooting the massive silver bolts that shredded Trelmol to pieces.
Everything that Ascendant Sun Dilos knew was wrapped around Aura, everything had it, either living or nonliving, from rocks to the wind, a unique signature that he could detect even with most of his senses shut off, and although a mountain had one Aura, break off a little piece of it, and that piece over time would lose the Aura of the mountain and form its own unique signature, that was the way reality works, but the mass of silver and frozen flames beneath all had a singular Aura as if he was not looking at trillions of beings but a singular entity separated in countless portions.
However what he found that was alarming was that the Aura these creatures had was not uniform, those descending from the land mass above had weaker Auras but as time passed by these Aura kept getting stronger, it was as if he was watching these creatures rapidly ascend the ranks of power with every moment that was passing.
If this confrontation was a pie sliced in three parts he had just noted one of the slices and he went to the other slice, and although this part should have been familiar to him, it was not, he had seen Calamity before, but not like this...
The seven Calamity Suns were no longer in the sky covered by an everlasting hue of darkness, now their true forms were revealed, massive piles of diseased flesh and unchecked growth that led to tumors and tentacles. Eyes that contained teeth and mouths filled with eyes, were the least unearthly mutations on the bodies of these Calamity Suns.
Their bulk slammed into the ocean of silver and massive tentacles without number dove into the endless tides of bodies and crushed, bringing these struggling bodies to millions of mouths where they were crushed and devoured.
From the ocean erupted countless Calamity gods, so many of them that Dilos would never have imagined that this realm could hold this amount of Calamity gods within it, and they also battled against the tide of silver.
This was the second slice of the pie, and the last of it drew his attention like nothing else because he could sense a calling from it.
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