The Primordial Record - Chapter 580

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Chapter 580: I Cannot Be Shaken
Chapter 580 I Cannot Be Shaken

580 I Cannot Be Shaken

Kohron appeared in his usual diabolical form, he stood more than 5,000 feet tall and had giant wings like a bat, but they were not aflame with hellfire like before, only releasing thick black smoke like an infernal volcano, his skin was not as red as before but a bit brown, even the movement of his spear tipped tail seemed lacking in power.

Yet all this did not detract from the sheer depravity that he embodied and Reality began to slowly twist as beneath his cloven hoof an apparition of endless suffering appeared.

The death and endless battle of myriad beings was his domain and below him they battled for an eternity, imprisoned by the sheer will of this Demon Prince.

Kohron opened his mouth and his deep and sepulchral voice sounded like a hymn from the mouths of screaming demons,

"Once again I stand at the precipice between the living and the dead, Chaos and Order. I stand before the dying screams of the gods and the wretched longing of mortals for salvation... A soothing balm to my soul that craves the eternal touch of Strife..."

The Demon took another step, "...Yet, like a dream that never ends, once more I find you here, the architect of this grave festivity that delights the senses as well as breaches the statutes we are sworn to hold. Oh, brother, your gaze and your hunger places mine to shame."

The Demon Prince opened his mouth wide and laughed, "I have to tell you, brother, death did you justice.... I like it. Show me more!"

Rowan’s cold eyes looked at Demon Prince like a snake looking at a particularly tough piece of flesh, he looked away dismissively. Once when Rowan saw him on Jarkarr he was a giant that seemed unfathomable, now....

Rowan turned and concentrated on his palms, making sure the last Major God alive did not make any surprising escape. Zekiel was the last god to die. He opened his massive palm and a passing wave of Aether blew away the remains of the gods, like ashes they were all gone.

The grin on the face of the Demon Prince faded a bit, "Are you thinking that I’m not worth your ear brother? I would have to correct your..."
He checked his Primordial Record and his eyes lit up at the bounty he had accumulated from the slaughter of the gods and the unfortunate deaths of trillions of souls all over the galaxy.

113,786 Soul Crystals!

Most of this bounty came from the slaughtered mortals, for after he returned from outside the universe, he could no longer rapidly process the souls of the gods as before, and more than 39 Immortal Souls were frozen in his Primordial Sea of Darkness and was being slowly digested.

If he finished digesting all these souls he would get at least another 100,000 Soul Crystals, but for now, this was enough.

The roar of rage of the Demon Prince in the distance could as well be the harmless buzzing of a bee. The crazy demon, noticing his mouth was sealed, created a new mouth from his stomach, and from it was a litany of curses.

Rowan ignored it, he wanted something from this Demon, which was its understanding of the current state of the Covenant and also information about the Great Abyss.

The presence of Demons in the universe was something he had overlooked for far too long, and although he had plans for them in the future, there was no reason he could not start gathering information about them for now.

What he understood about Demons at least was that this was the right manner to deal with them, you do not negotiate with demons, you only command or were commanded.

Rowan did not know how he would match up against the True Form of a Demon Prince, but for now, he could stomp on this one and acquire what he needed from it.

He suspected that his battle on Trion would not only be against the Gods of Trion alone, but he would be facing the Covenant also, an alliance made up of both Mages and Demons.

Most likely to become the greatest battle he would be able to fight inside the universe.

’Let them come,’ Rowan thought, ’Let the wave mount ever higher and let the storm blow ever harder... I can not be shaken.’

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