The Primordial Record - Chapter 593

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Chapter 593: Super–Clusters
Chapter 593 Super–Clusters

593 Super–Clusters

It has been eight months since Rowan destroyed the gods of the Cerulean Galaxy, and in that time he had not rested for a single moment, as every day has been filled with unchecked and unprecedented growth in his powers.

This planet they were on was a Minor World that was very far from the Cerulean Galaxy and was among the new batch of planets that Rowan had begun seeding and collecting.

He had chosen the Cerulean Galaxy at first because of the great number of Minor Worlds in their possession and the large number of gods available in a relatively small area.

He did not let his success at the Cerulean Galaxy get to his head and he did not begin an unprecedented rampage all over the universe, for there were certain factors that led to him conquering that Galaxy without any outside interference and it was mostly due to the position of the Cerulean Galaxy.

This galaxy was quite distant from the nearest superclusters of galaxies that could house hundreds or even tens of thousands of galaxies, and so the Cerulean Galaxy had become quite isolated from their neighbors.

Individually each galaxy was weak and would usually be banded together under large superclusters, as this was the manner whereby gods of the universe could band together against other powerful forces that originated from inside the universe and outside.

These superclusters were powerful with ancient histories stretching for billions of years and all of them were connected to forces outside the universe, even Tenma a lone High God could summon the Avatar of a Demon Prince, it was unknown the kinds of power these superclusters carried and in a manner, they could be a more dangerous opponent for Rowan than Trion.

How could Rowan also forget the presence of Tenma, this High God was surprisingly ambitious for his station as he had been slowly uncovering the story behind the life of this god, and was met with many surprises.

He was also aware that he could not delay this confrontation for long or else the Demon Prince would go crazy and spread the details of Rowan’s activities to the Covenant.

It would mean that finally Rowan would have to use the Anima of Ohrox once more, previously he was too weak to take advantage of this Demon’s Anima, but it was different now. Now he was truly ready to step onto the stage of the powerful in the universe.

Unlike his previous universe where his actions would have been hidden for a long while, information could be transmitted faster than before, even faster than light could travel in the vacuum, and it was because of one factor—Aether.

It was what made it possible for sound to travel in a vacuum, and with all the battles that had been ongoing, Rowan and the gods had released a stupendous amount of Aether in every move, even his Seeded Worlds were releasing frequent bursts of Aether that did not necessarily require a medium to travel far.

This brought about the peculiar situation where the battle in the Cerulean galaxy, which should have taken tens of thousands of years to reach their closest neighbor, took mere months before the signs of great destruction began to appear all over the universe.

The wholesale slaughter of the gods had far-reaching effects that even Rowan was not aware of, but he was looking out for the signs and learning along the way. He could not slow down and consider his actions for long or his growth would be stalled, nevertheless, he knew that the only means of survival in the universe was with great power and that was what he would always chase.

In addition to this Rowan had no idea before now that the transmission speed for Intent was almost instantaneous, and its reach was only limited by its level, and so for billions of miles around the Cerulean Galaxy, the light from the battle of the gods was widespread, but it still fell short from reaching the nearest galaxy.

It did not stop the investigations of other powers to check the situation of the Cerulean Galaxy. But Rowan was already long gone. With Astrolabe he was in another unknown part of the universe where he kept expanding his forces while digesting and training on the abilities he had acquired.

All this progress led him here, where the next series of his plan was beginning to take root.The original appearance of this chapter can be found at Ñøv€lß1n.

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