The Primordial Record - Chapter 719

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Chapter 719: The Central Temple
Chapter 719 The Central Temple

The members of the Justice Council were always covered in darkness, and when they returned from their hunt they carried great chains of darkness that resembled dried branches, with which they dragged screaming Dominators, sometimes by their tens of thousands into the dungeon.

It was said that 350,000 years ago, a rebellious Emperor chose to commit an unpardonable offense, and it was the Justice Council who entered the palace and in a single stroke, seized the entire adult members of that family along with the Emperor into the dungeons.

It was hard to estimate the figure but the numbers were in the tens of millions. What made that story scary was that the perpetrator was only a single individual. He had entered the royal palace and behind him were the millions of screaming people, bound by wood and darkness.

No Dominator had ever entered this place of darkness and returned. In the fictitious tale Spurn to the previous prince Rowan Kuranes, his mother had been taken into the dungeon of the Justice Council, and in order to free her, his body would have to be taken through a series of grueling experiments.

He had believed her and threw his whole soul into helping his mother to become ’free’ of a life of eternal torture in the darkness.

Recognizing the lies there and the interference of the Sigils that at that time was bounding his Soul and Singularity, Rowan knew that it was just another method for his father to twist the truth and authorize Rowan to unknowingly give him access to his body and therefore the Primordial Record.

That old bastard had been so close to succeeding. So deep was the spell that Prince Rowan was placed under, he would have never fought against the lie, and slowly but surely, his father would have harvested every single page of the Primordial Record from his body until there was none left, and knowing the sick delights of this man, he would have kept Rowan alive for as long as possible to watch him suffer, only revealing the truth at the end.


"I guess this is fate." the voice of Rowan said, "Your enemy lies inside that temple, and the woman you seek is also there."

Circe gasped, "Rico... Nana, both of them?!..."

"Yes, there is also the presence of your Ancestor. Use the Rune of Concealment I taught you and proceed towards the temple, but be careful to put your emotions under control. Your Ancestor is particularly sensitive to a mind clouded by emotions, I think it is one of his innate talents, fascinating stuff."

Circe found herself walking faster, barely listening to Rowan as she covered herself with the Rune of Concealment, her heart was steady, but her mind was filled with countless thoughts, but slowly the calm best of her heart served go steady her nerves and the power she felt rushing through her veins was an anchor to hold down her spirit.

The enemy that she had chased for a million miles and the family she had sought for answers and to protect was right in front of her.

Suddenly everything was coming to its conclusion faster than she had ever thought possible, and she knew it was only because of the presence of Rowan, this enigmatic being whose very presence seemed to warp reality to his will.

She felt fear, anger, sorrow, awe and so many emotions in a single breath it was hard to wrap her mind around it all, but that calm power soothe her shaken spirit and she walked steadily towards the Central Temple of Boreas.

The massive shadow of the Anima of Boreas covered her and she shivered as her Incarnation turned itself to its male form without her prompting and the full weight of what she was about to do hit her.

Was she about to assassinate a freaking god?

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