If Rowan's ability to access powers of higher dimensions was also due to his status as a dimension was unknown, but it must surely play a great part in it.
According to the Principality, the fourth dimension gave one the capability to control Time, the fifth dimension was Space-Time, and the Sixth dimension was Space-Time and MInd-Memory.
This was the highest knowledge known to the Principality, for the Wills of higher dimension was a secret known to extremely few individuals in all of creation. Rowan considered how lucky he was to come across the fragment of the Mountain and Sea Realm, and wondered what sort of war was responsible for shattering a world that was controlled by a seventh-dimensional Will Holder.
All the Reflections that Rowan fought a thousand years ago had Wills at the fourth dimension, this was expected because, the Reflections for an extremely long time were entities without Souls, and the development of a Soul made them automatically rise to the heights of Will Holders, which was a testament to the strength of their foundation.
Their new souls were also responsible for the dissolution among their ranks and the rise of ambition in the heart of the Third Prince, but everything that had an advantage also had disadvantages. The Reflections had gained great power and the potential to ascend to higher dimensions, but they had also been given the poison in the heart of all sapient beings—The quest for power.
Rowan was lucky he fought the Reflections at a point in time where there was division in their ranks and they had not begun striving to attain higher dimensions.
The greater portion of their lives were one where they did not have a soul and therefore they did not have the time to develop themselves to a higher level. Rowan suspected that even if they wanted to, they were not able to do so, because of the presence of this Eye and the influence it had on them, but to know the entire story, he truly needed to scour their souls.
Rowan had only been with the Eye for a thousand years and as a side effect, he already isolated himself from all his children.
He gestured and the body of the clone began to shrink as it was drawn towards Rowan, a few feet away, the Berserker clone was already smaller than a grain of sand and he continued to shrink until he was almost impossible to be detected by any visible means.
In the perception of the Berserker Clone, Rowan's body had begun to dramatically expand until it became bigger than a planet, bigger than a star, greater than a galaxy, his size seeming unending until he could hold a hundred galaxies on one of his fingernails.
The Berserker Clone fell into this vastness, and he felt the reality around him shift countless times and then a new universe was opened to him, one that was vast with no limits, he looked around at the countless worlds and stars and detected a world that seemed to be filled with battle, the Berserker Clone launched himself towards it, moving at speeds many times faster than light.
He was free to find any purpose in life, but his roots were of a Berserker, and the call of battle drew him as surely as a firefly to flames.
Rowan did not watch this Berserker Clone find its purpose, instead, he continued creating more, he had plans to create more Berserker Clones in the future when he had learned of the unique possibility he could accomplish with them, but since they might be a solution to this seal, he had to accelerate the timeline for their production.
A few hours later, he had created ten thousand Berserker Clones, aware that he would be subjecting most of them to a hellish fate in the future, he did not rush in their creation, making them as perfect as he could manage, perhaps it was this action or the increased amount of his Sheol bloodline at the immortal level, but all the ten thousand Berserker Clones were born with a soul.
All of them were subtly different, and although a majority of them chose a life of battle, few went on different paths, some chose to become farmers, bakers, adventurers, soldiers, and various random professions, one even became a healer.
Ten years went by but a hundred years had already passed inside his dimension. Rowan looked inside himself and began drawing out the Clone, he selected randomly, but the Clone that emerged was the healer.
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