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Volume 7 - Chapter 6 - Revolution

It was supposed to be a normal day as always.

That day, Lelia was taking classes at the Academy.

The students were quiet during their second period classes. As usual, Leon and the others were still absent from school, but the academy understood that they did not feel safe in the Republic, as their servants had disappeared and there were some rumors about riots.

The students were aware of rumors of a rebellion and some of them spoke of getting involved.

Living a routine like this makes rebellion seem like an illusion.

Lelia thought it was a story that had nothing to do with her.

For her, who grew up in Japan even in her previous life and lived in a time of peace, it was difficult for her to imagine a rebellion.

There were many such riots in foreign countries, but they were only seen on the news and on the internet. Since she hadn't experienced it, she couldn't help but feel like a stranger.

However, Lelia was also concerned about the current development, which was very different from the setting of that second otome game.

She was taking classes, but she couldn't concentrate.

When she looked out the window, she saw the huge Sacred Tree.

Looking out the window you could also see aircraft flying through the skies.

It would not be a surprise to see some aircraft and the Sacred Tree.

However, today there were numerous aircraft.

Eh? Why are there so many aircraft flying?

There were many aircraft that were quite different from the standard Republic airships, and there were far more than usual.

Were there many? Rather, there were unusually too many for Lelia.

Suddenly, the sunlight was blocked and the entire school building was in shadow.

‘Did the clouds cover the sun?’ was the typical thought, but in actuality there was an airship moving in the sky.

Aircraft are prohibited from passing through here, right?

The other students wondered why an aircraft was passing through an area that was not allowable.

Even the teacher stopped what they were doing and moved to the window to look outside.

When the classroom got noisy ... a video started to play in the sky.

When a huge image appeared, Lelia stood up. The chair fell back and hit the back desk, but she didn't care.

- Serge!

Lelia raised her voice in surprise, but the people around her paid no attention. Her classmates were also looking out the window.

The huge Serge projected in the sky was sitting on a beautiful chair.

Bending the hips, supporting the elbows on the knees and joining the hands.

"{To all the people of the Republic. ... From today, I will be the king of this country}"

What the hell was he talking about? The classroom was noisy, and Lelia was no exception. When she finally found Serge, he said he would become king.

At that moment, he raised his right hand in the video.

As a magic circle appeared behind the throne, the guardian's emblem could be seen. Everyone was surprised and Lelia was no exception.

Why does Serge have the guardian emblem? I'm sure my sister wouldn't choose Serge, right? Then who...?

Then Serge introduced a woman in the video.

"{And let me introduce you to the new priestess. The priestess of the new country ... Yumeria.}"

An elf woman was introduced as the priestess.

And as the classroom got even louder, Lelia was surprised by something else.

The servant who was at Leon's mansion? How could she be chosen as a priestess? Why is there a priestess who is not part of the Lespinasse family?

Wasn't it Noelle who was chosen as the priestess?

After that, Serge's speech continued, and the teachers and classmates in the classroom stared at the image in the sky.

"{Well, you all probably think that she can't be the priestess unless she's from the Lespinasse family, so I'll show you something interesting. Yumeria

... do it.}"

Serge gave Yumeria an order. Yumeria, who did not react as much, seemed manipulated.

As Yumeria slowly extended her hands forward, a red light radiated from the Sacred Tree.

This engulfed the entire republic, and everyone was shocked and closed their eyes. Immediately the light went out, but then there was a scream from the classroom.

-M-My emblem has disappeared!"

-I don't have my emblem!" W-Why ?!

The sad cries of the nobles were heard.

Their emblems had disappeared, probably due to the red light.

Serge smiled when Lelia turned her gaze to the sky.

It seems that he knew this would happen and he did.

"{The new priestess has taken your emblems. This is the best proof.}" Never before had a priestess taken the emblems of an entire country.

The nobles were stunned and sat down, faced with reality.

They were desperate, deprived of the great power they had possessed so far.

"{If there is someone who still wants to challenge me, I will take care of him. They can always come to the Temple of the Sacred Tree to challenge me.}"

Nobles who had lost their emblem were unwilling to challenge him, and soldiers who knew the strength of the emblem would have a hard time going against Serge.

-    What's the matter with you, Serge? Why are you doing this?While Lelia looked confused, Clement entered the classroom.

Neither the classmates nor the teachers in the classroom knew what was happening.

Clement grabbed Lelia by the arm and dragged her out of the classroom.

Entering the hallway, Lelia asks Clement about the situation.

-    What's going on? Why does Serge call himself king?

Lelia was confused and Clement also went without answering, as if he did not have any concrete information.

-I do not know. I cannot predict what is happening. However, this situation is dangerous. I've prepared a car outside, so you should evacuate at any cost, Lelia-sama.

- Where do we go?

What place would be safe in this situation? On the territory of the Pleven family, the home of Emile's parents? While she was thinking about it, Emile appeared before them with Ideal.

-I am here!

When Emile called to them in a hurry, Lelia looked at Ideal.

- Where the hell have you been !?

[My apologies. I was delayed because I was analyzing the situation.] - What happened? And why does Serge call himself king !? [Please, let's evacuate as quickly as possible.] - To where!?

Asking him as they ran, Ideal replied.

[... Towards Count Baltfault’s mansion. That is the kind of a place that is safe no matter what.]

In this way, Lelia and the others escaped to the mansion where Leon and his friends were.

Serge became king of the republic! A few hours passed after he said that.

Marie welcomed Lelia, who hurried into the mansion, and gathered everyone in the dining room.

Then, questions were asked between Lelia and the others.

-    What the hell are they doing ?! Serge said he would be the king! Thiswas not planned!

It was Cara who calmed the noisy Marie.

-    P-please try to calm down, Marie-sama.

-    It is always like this! Why does the situation always get worse? And Ihaven't done anything this time!

Lelia got angry in front of Marie, who covered her face with both hands and started crying.

-    I don't even know! In the first place, if you two hadn't ---

Emile, who was next to her, calmed Lelia, who showed an attitude of wanting to fight.

-    Let's calm down, Lelia.

Lelia took a deep breath and looked around the room. A person who should have been here, was not.

-... Where is Leon?

The only ones there were Marie, Cara and Kyle, with a tired face.

Of the five idiots, only Jilk could be seen in the distance.

Noelle was in the room with the jar of the little sapling of the Sacred Tree.

Cordelia wasn't here because she was making tea.

Emile was also curious about that and asked Marie.

-    Ah, Count Batfault is not here?

Leon was nowhere to be seen. However, only Luxon was here.

── Ideal asked in a low voice instead of the usual bright and familiar voice.

[Luxon ... Where is your Master?]

Lelia was surprised by Ideal's reaction.

That reaction is the same as when Lelia called Ideal a "liar" earlier.

Lelia was afraid of Ideal, who responded by showing as if he had a different personality.

-    Ideal, what is it? Leon is not here.

[There would be no problem if he just left the mansion. But I have not discovered where his whereabouts are. I had thought that Leon was here.] He used to call him Count Baltfault, but now he stopped.

The eyes of Lelia and the others focused on Luxon.

[The master left. He will be back soon.]

As Luxon said this, Leon's carefree voice came from the entrance of the mansion.

-    I'm here.

Leon came to the dining room as he was, and brought a guest. ... That guest was Louise.

Seeing this, Ideal turned his eye to Luxon.

It glowed red and seemed to be more alert.

[Why did Leon bring Louise with him?]

Lelia was also surprised by the reaction that seemed to say that it was bad that Louise was here.

-    What's up, Ideal?

She asked, but Ideal ignored her and looked at Luxon.

Luxon moved to Leon's side.

[Oh? Didn't I say I'd cooperate if I could persuade my Master? My Master was so talkative that I couldn't persuade him. Too bad, Ideal.] Leon raised his thumb.

-That's how it is. It's a shame, Ideal!

Ideal tried to make a move in front of Leon, who laughed.

Then Noelle jumped on Lelia and pushed her to the ground.

-    Nee-san!?

When she was shocked, a gunshot was heard.

It looked like a sniper had fired through the room's open window and hit Ideal.

Then Ideal fell to the ground scattering sparks.

[Y-You betrayed me ── ]

Luxon was treated as a traitor, but the person in question treated his comments lightly.

[Betray you? I have followed Master from the beginning. The Master was suspicious of you when Yumeria disappeared.]

-    Hey, hey, don't say I was suspicious. ... I just thought that if it wasn'tLuxon, it could only be you at the time. You would doubt that too, right?

He had suspected it from the beginning.

Hearing that, Ideal was shocked and understood.

[Everything you did from the start was an act? Despite how badly they got along?]

Luxon was staring at Ideal just before it stopped working.

[Unfortunately that's a discussion we do on a daily basis.]

Before I finished hearing Luxon's reply, the light went out from Ideal's lens.

Lelia and the others couldn't understand what happened, and they had no choice but to be stunned.

If you looked out the window, you would see Jilk holding a rifle.

It appears that they had placed Jilk with the intention of shooting from the beginning. Marie and the others didn't seem surprised either. —Y-You, as I thought you wanted to kill --Emile approached Leon.

-    W-What's going on ?! Why did you attack Ideal ?!

Leon was being pressured, but he narrowed his eyes and looked at Ideal.

He was the first to raise his hand.

Noelle backed away from Lelia, who had been pushed down. Apparently Lelia was blocking the line of sight and Noelle forcibly pushed her down.

Noelle stood up and helped Lelia up.

Lelia, who had lost Ideal, stared at Marie and the others.

-    Why did you do this?

Leon did not respond and Marie could not respond because she did not know the details. But when it got noisy outside, the reason became clear.

Jilk returned to the room and informed Julian.

-    Your Highness, the soldiers are gathering outside. The way their uniformlooks, they must be from the Holy Kingdom of Rachelle.

Crossing his arms, Julian was the first to suspect a cover-up.

Aren't they soldiers pretending to be from the Holy Kingdom? He thought.

-    Really?

-Yes. There were also rebel soldiers. Apparently, they are allied.

When Emile heard that, he put his hand to his mouth and said, "Speaking of which."

-    There have been rumors recently that Rachelle's people were often seenin the warehouse district, and battleships frequently came and went to the harbor.

Clement's muscles bulged with rage at this, and two buttons on his shirt popped out, exposing his chest.

-    What the hell!? There was such a movement and the republic overlookedit!

-    Maybe they have been underestimated?

Lelia, hearing the conversation between the two, couldn't believe that something like that was happening without her knowledge.

Soldiers outside began firing warning shots, causing bullets to enter the house.

-    Everybody to the floor!

When Greg yelled that, they all fell to the ground.

Chris took out the weapons he had prepared and distributed them to everyone.

-    Rachelle's soldiers are a nuisance. They are the enemies of Holfault. Ifwe can’t catch them, it will be a big problem.

Leon was motivated, as if he had a grudge against Rachelle's Holy Kingdom.

-    I'll make sure those Rachelle guys can't do anything weird anymore.

Chris was surprised.

—I see you're motivated today. That doesn't sound like your usual self.

When people around asked the reason for that, Luxon revealed the reason.

[The Holy Kingdom of Rachelle is in a hostile relationship with the United Kingdom of Repard, the home of Milaine. He does it for Milaine.] - ... Luxon, don't reveal it.

Leon looked uncomfortable, and Julian, who was approaching with a slow advance, had a disgusting face.

-    Baltfault, have you ever imagined your classmate trying to pick up yourmother?" ... It's a lot to take in.

-    Don't call it that. This is a pure contribution to the kingdom.

[It's not pure when you have ulterior motives, right? Also, he said something like "And I'll put a hole in Roland's stomach!"] - Luxon, be quiet already.

[Fine, fine.]

Amid the bullets that were fired one after another, Leon and the others were talking foolishly.

Lelia clutched her head and thought anxiously.

What the hell is wrong with these people? It's not the kind of conversation you want to have in a situation like this!

In the Temple of the Sacred Tree, Serge was sitting on the throne that Ideal had prepared. Besides Ideal and Gabino, there were men guarding that Serge had approved. These carried the emblem of the six great nobles.

The other soldiers received a lower level emblem.

In front of Serge, was Alberg, handcuffed.

-    Serge, why did you do this ?!

Alberg, whose leg was injured, was being treated.

... Serge didn't kill Alberg.

-    Because I was chosen as a guardian. I want to destroy this country andcreate a new one.

-    Are you going to destroy this country for that reason?

Serge grinned atrociously at Alberg, who was surprised.

-    It is for that reason that I will destroy it. By the way, I will show you theappearance of how this country perishes. To your wife and daughter ... And, I will kill your cute son Leon in front of your eyes.

-    Child? Lion? He is not my son.

-    You loved him more than me, didn't you? Anyway, you intended tomarry him to Louise in order to make him your son, right? She is hopeless, right? She fell in love with her younger brother and another boy who looks like him.

-    Serge, don't get me wrong! Louise and I think of you ---

He was in the middle of a conversation with Alberg, but Ideal interrupted. [... Master Serge, apparently a problem has occurred.] - What?

[The troops we sent to capture Louise have been killed. The same goes for the troops sent to retrieve Lelia.]

-    What do you mean by that, Ideal? Didn't you say you would bring Leliasoon?

Serge was blatantly in a bad mood when he found out that Lelia hadn't arrived yet.

Gabino, who heard that the troops were killed, showed a bitter face.

-    Both troops were sent from our Kingdom of Rachelle, weren't they?

They are elite people. They cannot be defeated.

[Luxon betrayed us.]

Hearing that, Serge grabbed Ideal with his right hand and squeezed.

-    You said everything was going well. If something happens to Lelia, Iwill never forgive you. Lying bastard.

While everyone around him was frightened by Serge's anger, only Ideal challenged him.

[... I’m a liar? Take it back.] - Ah?

[Take it back.]

Although Ideal showed a different mood than usual, Serge did not break his bullish attitude.

-You're a liar. You said it would be fine ── !

Ideal caused an electric shock to his spherical form, freeing himself of Serge. Serge's right hand went numb and he held it with his left.


[Take it back. I'm not lying.]

The people around were taken by surprise by the furious Serge ... and the calm and strongly rebellious Ideal. Then Gabino intervened.

-    I'm sure you both have other priorities right now. I don't think we havetime to play here, do we?

Serge clicked his tongue.

-    Go find Lelia immediately! Where's Louise?

Apparently Ideal also followed Gabino's opinion and refrained from fighting.

[Everyone is gathering at the mansion where Leon and his friends are.]

-    Then dispatch the troops immediately. I will reward those who pull theirweight with the emblem of the six great nobles.

Serge raised his right hand and looked at the altar behind the throne.

There, a part of the Sacred Tree was exposed.

Yumeria, whose gleam had disappeared from her eyes, was sitting in her ceremonial clothing.

The thin branches and ivy of the Sacred Tree entwined with Yumeria's body to prevent her from escaping.

Serge and his men used Yumeria as a tool to manipulate the Holy Tree, not as a priestess.

Gabino stroked his beard and warned Serge, a little surprised by his attitude.

-    This is fascinating. Isn't the emblem of the six great nobles oversold?

Serge waved his numb right hand and spat that the emblem was worthless.

-    Is there any value in this kind of thing? It is just a tool to borrow the helpof the Sacred Tree.

Neither the Sacred Tree nor the emblem that protects the Sacred Tree had any value to Serge.

Alberg, who was listening in on the conversation, nodded.

-    Have I pushed you to this point?

Hearing those words of regret, Serge turned to Alberg.

-    It's too late to be sorry now. You never recognized me as part of thefamily.

Alberg didn't answer anything, but that annoyed Serge.

-    Lock up this guy!

-    Aaah, the mansion is a mess. I can't live here anymore.

After a fierce shooting, Rachelle and the rebel soldiers of the republic lay on the ground. Some groaned in pain, others were knocked out.

We use non-lethal rubber bullets and tranquilizer guns.

I was carrying a rifle on my shoulder and Julian approached me with a machine gun.

-    I have eliminated the enemies outside. Some have escaped, but we don'thave to chase them, do we?

-    Do you think we can afford that?

-    No, but you're going to tell me to find them and crush them.

Julian is less and less reluctant with me.

No, it wasn't originally, but now it's worse than before.

Then Julian asked about what we would do next.

-    Baltfault, that's it. We should flee immediately.

Julian proposed to escape from the republic, but I couldn't tell him that

"We can't because the world will be destroyed!" -No. You can go if you want, but I am staying here.

-    But why? This is a problem that only concerns the Republic. Whatreason would you have to get involved?

Julian and the others may not know why I am staying in the republic. I also want to run away. I want to take Noelle and Louise and run away from here, but ...

-    P-Please wait!

... Kyle, who was listening to our conversation, sat down on the floor and crouched down.

He was doing a Dogeza. Originally, there was no such culture in the Kingdom of Holfault. However, this was introduced by Marie.

Thanks to Marie, I feel that the Dogeza is spreading in this world.

-Please. Please help my mother. Please!

Kyle knelt before me and asked me to save Yumeria, who was being held by Serge. Seeing that figure, Julian made a sad face but shook his head.

-    Kyle, I'm sorry, but there's nothing we can do. The enemy still has Ideal.

If it has the same performance as Luxon, then we are at a disadvantage.

After hearing Julian's theory that they couldn't risk it for a servant, Kyle still rubbed his head against the ground and pleaded many times.

-    I'll do anything. If you can save my mother, I will never disobey you inthe future. I will also correct my cheeky attitude. I don't care if it's without pay. I will work to make it up to you! Please ... please save my mother.

Please ... please ... please save her ... please.

Julian looked at Kyle, who had started crying, and he looked very hurt. Then he brought his gaze to me. He had a face that said he shouldn't make a mistake.

-Enough. Baltfault, I'll take you home with me too.

-That's impossible.

-    Why!?

I made Kyle stand up.

Kyle, it seems like she's crying in an age-appropriate way, because her usual sassy, mature attitude is gone.

I didn't want to leave him because I couldn't be nice to my parents in my previous life. That is why I wanted to help him. That's all.

-    Stop crying already. If you want to save Yumeria, you don't have time tocry.

-    Eh?

When Kyle was shocked and looked at my face, you could see that his face was lined with tears and his nose was all runny.

-    I don't like that Serge acted as king after kidnapping our preciousYumeria. So I will help you.

When I said that, Julian was holding his face and looking up at the sky.

-    Are you crazy? If your opponent is as strong as Luxon, then he is thestrongest enemy you have had so far.

-    Do you really think I haven't done anything? Luxon!

When I called him, Luxon came to me.

[Ideal's manufacturing capacity is greater than mine. I checked their aircraft and armed units, but I can't compete with the Republic's main weapons. They have high-performance items.]

It seems Julian gave up on Luxon's report investigating Ideal's prepared force.

"If the opponent also has high-performance aircraft and armed units, we lose in numbers."

[... Who said Einhorn and Arroganz would lose?]

By Luxon's reaction, who showed a cold attitude towards Julian, he was convinced that there was a chance of winning. But we look at it to make sure.

- You can win?

[There is a condition if Ideal's main body does not come out.]

The problem was there.

I had been unable to move until now because I did not know how far Ideal is going to go to join Serge.

The biggest problem is that he did not understand its purpose.

"... Where is Ideal's main body?"

[He's away from the Republic, watching over my body.]

"Okay, then let's do it." I will bring Yumeria back. Kyle, I'll make you work too. Kyle wiped the tears on his sleeves.


But Julian grabbed my shoulder.

-    Did you hear what I just said? I told you we are outnumbered. Also, ifYumeria has become the priestess, her security must be tight. Do you really think we can handle this on our own?

-    When did I say that we were going to go alone? I told you ... I've beengetting ready.

Luxon looked up at the ceiling.

[Master, it seems they have arrived.]

When we got out, Jilk and the others in armor were looking at the sky.

Above ... several airships floated in the sky.

Julian panicked.

-    Enemies!?

However, the flag raised was that of the Kingdom of Holfault.

Among them were Einhorn and ... there was also the same type of ship as the figure of Licorn.

The Einhorn Bridge.

There, I spread my hands in front of the friends I had summoned from the kingdom.

-Thank you all! Thank you for coming to help me in this predicament!

A group of friends from the rural baron family gathered in response to my call. Daily actions are important.

It is fortunate that I have a great friendship with them.

However, as soon as they saw me, Daniel and Raymond, whom I met for the first time in a long time, beat me up.

-    It was you who forced us to come!

-    You said you would threaten to pick up our aircraft if we didn't come, what are you talking about that we just came running for your call !? It was you who made us come!

The other boys were also dissatisfied.

-    If I didn't have a contract, I would have ignored you!

-That's how it is. They told me to get out of my parents' house because I have a contract!

-    Why are you dragging me into the rebellion of the Republic!

Looking at these guys holding their heads really felt nostalgic.

Previously, I gave them state-of-the-art aircraft completely free.

It is a plan that I knew well in my previous life. ... Instead of making the main unit price free, it is a method of making a two-year immobilized contract with a communication plan.

... I did it on airplanes. In addition, the duration of the contract is indefinite.

They beat me, but they have big hearts, so I forgave them.

-    If you're going to hate me, hate yourself for thinking you could get anairship for free. Well, I will ask you to cooperate according to the contract.

Julian and the others, who had been listening to my conversation, shot me a disgusted look.

-You are the worst.

Jilk was also slightly surprised.

-    You are malicious.

Brad was taking pity on my friends.

-    Hmm, I suppose getting a state-of-the-art aircraft and armed unit is adisadvantage considering that you are going to follow Baltfault.

Greg found fault with our friendship.

-    What do you think friendship is?

Chris, who was wearing a loincloth before I knew it, shook his head. Seeing him, my friends were upset, but he didn't care.

"Stop calling a contractual relationship friendship."

They can say all they want, but now we have backup.

"We now have thirty aircraft." There is no complaint, right?

Daniel screamed in rage at my words.

-    There are many! Why do I have to get involved in a foreign rebellion !?

Raymond was about to cry.

"And the opponent is the Republic." Isn't it a nation undefeated in defensive battles? Think of the opponent at least when you get in! Why do you always get into fights no matter who it is !?

Don't say such things.

"I am a pacifist." I just sold a fight.

-    Pacifists do not buy sold fights!

While they were making a fuss, a small boat came to the bridge.

Angie and Livia were going downstairs.



They both came running up to me and hugged me.

It seemed to me that my friends clicked their tongues, but even that jealousy was comforting.

It had been a while that we didn't see each other and they seemed to be worried about me.

Angie pressed her forehead against my chest.

"You always make us worry." What did you do this time?

It saddens me that they think that way.

-I did not do anything. There has been a rebellion in the republic. Or is it a revolution?

The Republic cannot win against Serge, Ideal and the others at their side. And now that Serge has the guardian's emblem, the six great nobles can't beat him.

Angie raised her gaze and looked at me.

"I received the details of the situation." So ---

Angie's gaze went to Luxon. Before I knew it, Livia was watching Luxon warily and started talking to him.

"Luc, I want you to answer me something."

[What’s that?]

"You're not ... going to betray Leon, are you?"

Why did you ask something like that now? While thinking about that, Luxon gave me a look.

[If he's the right person to be my Master, then I won't betray him.] —Hey, does that mean you'll betray me if you don't think I'm worthy?


To the hideously refreshing response, I grabbed Luxon with both hands.

-    It seems you need a hit to fully understand the relationship betweenmaster and servant.

[You don't need to explain it to me, Master. More importantly, are you sure you want to play?]

It's because you say unnecessary things!

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