Tokyo Ravens - Volume 14 - Chapter 1.5

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Part 5 
Ever since autumn three years ago, he had never visited his mother’s shop. At that time, he transferred school and enrolled into Onmyou Academy, returning him to Tokyo. 
He visited the shop briefly, he said hello due to formalities and left immediately. Regardless if he saw his mother’s face or heard his mother’s voice, that was the last time, after that the two of them only kept contact via phone messaging. 
Mother hates me, she surely thinks of me as a burden, Touji always had this kind of thinking. 
Now he knows there was no such thing, she was purely worried about the existence of [her own child]. 
Cold treatment, with an attitude of detachment, he always thought that the look on his mother eyes when she looks at him is very cold. In fact, she really does not show much concern towards Touji. The person that she is most interested in is herself, furthermore, she did not even try to hide or cover up this fact. She did not care about how people around her will look at her or how people will feel about her, she only lives by her own values. In terms of this level, she can be considered as an extremely strong and straight forward person. 
Even though this mother doesn’t care much about her own son, but she definitely doesn’t hate him, she has no evil intentions towards him as well. When he was living the most ridiculous days in his life, she did not abandon him, but she did not attempt to lead him back to the right path as well, letting him did what he wanted. 
Perhaps, she herself knew that she did not behave like what people would expect of a [mother], she did not show the right interest, concern or love towards her own son. So, in contrast, she worked hard to guarantee her son’s [freedom], because to her, this is the most valuable thing. 
Due to the warnings of a spiritual disaster terror attack, there were unusually less people on the streets of Ginza. The passers-by were in twos and threes, having gloomy expressions on their faces, frequently, one can see shops that were closed for business. 
Touji observed the streets, using invisibility to hide his presence and arrived at his mother’s shop. 
He stood at the middle of the stairs and looked at the shop door located underground at the end of the stairs, looking at his watch to confirm the time. 5.50pm. His mother shifted the opening time by one hour, Touji must complete the task entrusted to him within this time. 
Originally Amami would attend this discussion as well, however, he could not make it in the end due to the issue with Onmyouji Monthly Magazine progressing better than expected. He is now meeting their Chief Editor, together with Kyouko, to explain the whole situation, in hope to enlist his help, thus, Touji can only act alone on this side. Until the last moment, Amami was hesitant on which side takes priority, he believed this side is more important, but in the end, he gave in to Touji’s request of wanting to settle this alone. 
In his heart, he has accepted the thing about his mother, but about his father… it was not about accepting or not, because those two seems to not have any exchange at all. Other than being blood related, those two are practically [strangers]. 
Of course, he knew full well [what kind of person] his father is. He is the secretary-general of the largest opposition, Independent Party, rumours say that he frequently interfered and controlled politics in the past, while not making much appearance, maintaining the party operations in the background for many years. 
After the New People’s Party came in and stripped their political powers, he became the secretary-general, he reorganised and even rebuilt the party that was facing a crisis of disbanding. Including the political world, he has great influence in the government and financial sector as well, he is second to none most important political figure in Japan. 
All these are just knowledge about [The Politician Naota Kouzou], about his personal things, Touji had no knowledge at all. 
For example, he did not acknowledge about the existence of his illegitimate child, but this can be said to be a request of his mother. However, in terms of finance— perhaps his mother doesn’t need it— he kept providing huge support. Their relationship was quite estranged, even though this was very coordinated with his mother’s character. 
However, the clearest memory he had of his father was the aura that emitted from him. 
Ice cold. 
And sinister. 
This is the deepest impression he had of his father. Mother did not give himself much concern, father was very obviously cold. However, he did not only treat his son in such a way, that man towards anything and everything gave the same cold attitude, even towards mother his attitude is cold as well. At least this was how it looks like to Touji, in his childhood. To the Touji right now, he can roughly imagine, a father that gives him a cold attitude and his mother not giving a care at all, it’s quite interesting— or should be. 
Besides, he gave off an evil intending vibe that is closely similar to being [sinister]. His sharp tongue is widely known in the political arena, even though one might suspect how this kind of man managed to become a politician, but he has not just a great lot of enemies, but a great lot of comrades as well, additionally the most important thing, his political results. This man is a brilliant strategist, not just Touji, even the voters that hated him cannot deny this fact as well. 
--- Oh yes, I’ve just remembered. 
The most sinister thing that can be felt from father, is his smile. 
After all, he is a politician, can freely control the smile on his face. All these smiles were purposely made like a mask. Touji from young used his instincts to see through this façade. In fact, whenever his father smiles, Touji could feel deeply the sinister intent behind the smile. 
Hiding the sinister smile like a demon, carving a trauma into the heart of a young child. 
Walking down the stairs, opening the door. As mentioned in the call, the door was not locked. The bell made a “kalakala” sound, Touji walked into the interior of the shop. 
The lights of the shop were lit. Were the lights switched on first… Just as he thought about it, he realised that there was already people in the shop. 
There wasn’t much space in the shop. There are two tables aligned to the wall, the bar table has seven seats. A man was sitting behind the bar table, an old man with an elegant posture and wearing a high-class suit. 
He can be seen on the television once in a while, but it had been so many years to meet him in person like this. At least the other party had added a few years to his age, logically he should have aged quite a bit. It’s just the impression this man gave compared to the impression Touji had in his memory seems to not differ much. 
The man that works behind the political arena. The VIP of this country. The most frustrating thing is, he looks so similar to himself. 
At heart, he started to feel timid. 
Yet, “…. Is this Touji?” the call carried a hint of… a sincere surprise, Touji thought to himself that this is the first time he had seen him being so surprised. The reaction of his father had surprised Touji as well, “Yes…” he replied simply in a soft voice. 
Thinking carefully, father being so surprised is not unexpected. Oppose to Touji’s view that his father had not changed, in his father’s eyes, Touji is practically another person. In some sense, other than this being a reunion of father and son, it is more so their [first confrontation]. 
Touji closed the door of the shop, “… Long time no see.” he said. 
His father—Naota for a moment stared at Touji in silence. Regarding on the thoughts that went through his mind while looking at Touji, to read his mood, Touji did not have enough vision. 
Then, “… Honestly, I’m very surprised.” Naota silently wore a smile on his face. 
The sinister intent hiding behind that smile, Touji’s expression froze after seeing it. 
“I didn’t think you will take the initiative to contact me.” 
“I as well, didn’t expect things would develop to this extent.” 
He spoke harshly yet couldn’t hide his nervousness. He wiped the look on his face, walked towards to the bar counter seat that is nearest to him. 
The feeling of panic already vanished from Naota, like a cold hard mirror, he looked at Touji with a smile. 
Then he slowly continued. 
“I knew you dropped out of Onmyou Academy, I also knew you disappeared after that, but I do not know of the details. If you want money you can look for your mother, I am really interested, I cannot imagine why will you look for me.” 
The other party spoke straight to the point, Touji can’t help but pursed his lips. 
Not talking about his enrollment into Onmyou Academy and talked about this issue, he didn’t expect the other party would know the things that happened afterwards. It should be mother that told him, or was it that he investigated on his own? Touji was possibly suppressing his feelings of disturbance. 
There was no arrogance in Naota’s attitude, or any portray of a father’s strict attitude, it was also not of a father wanting to be likable to his son, his attitude is very clear. Without mistake, this was how this man always been, regarding father, he once again confirmed this thinking. Two of them sitting down to have a conversation, this could be said to be the first time. 
On the other hand, Naota was being direct, beyond the expected sincere attitude Touji was expecting and this made him surprised. 
That kind of attitude was not suited for a veteran politician, Touji was not so naïve to assume this to be his true self, or it was a result of the other party being neglectful. He was purposely removing the use of negotiation, displaying a straight forward attitude. To be truthful, in fact this [portray of attitude was for the sake of the other party]. 
Needless to say, to directly negotiate with people like Naota is normally impossible, especially when during communication, the removal of excessive calculations and socialising methods, a person with a stand like him would not do that as well. Speaking on purpose coldly and with sincerity, can be viewed as [being lenient] towards his son, of course to see his true intentions was extremely difficult, but… 
--- It doesn’t matter. 
“I would like to negotiate with you.” 
Touji too, spoke straight forwardly to the other party, pushing the readied documents across the bar counter. 
“It does not contain any spells, just ordinary papers, take a look.” 
He spoke while remaining possibly calm, Naota shifted his sight downwards after listening, towards the cover of the document. He boldly accepted the document, taking out his glasses from the inner pocket of his suit, then started reading the document silently. Touji sat on the bar stool beside the bar counter and observed askance at Naota. 
Even though it was described as a document, but the amount wasn’t much, it only had six A4 pieces of paper. The main contents of the report were explaining about the current Chief of Onmyou Agency, Kurahashi Genji’s crimes, including Satake Masumi of the New People’s Party who has close ties with him and how he was related to the entire conspiracy. Naota steadily, spent about two to three minutes to finish reading the entire document. It was impressive, the contents of the document would let anyone that read it to be shocked, but he managed to maintain a poker face while reading through the whole content. 
After finishing, Naota took off his glasses and placed the document back on to the bar table. His voice remained very calm. “I heard this is the same as that time when you decided to become an Onmyouji…” “What do you mean?” “You are really unpredictable, you have indeed inherited her blood.” “………” Seeing the other party suddenly portray himself as a father, Touji reactively felt frustrated, but this was not the time to be angry. 
“… It was written in the document, the forewarned spiritual disaster terrorist attack that will happen on the 3rd of March, which is in two days’ time, the actual mastermind is Kurahashi Chief and his men. There is no time, if this is not dealt with immediately, there will be grave repercussions, moreover, the damage will be way beyond the previous two spiritual disaster terrorist attacks.” 
So, to say… Speaking to this point, Touji paused momentarily, he decisively turned his body towards Naota, with a determined look in his eyes, he looked straight at the other party. 
“… I hope you will as well, help in stopping the spiritual disaster terrorist attack this time.” 
Naota bore Touji’s sight straight on, the smile on his face disappeared. 
“You mentioned about negotiation, what can I gain from this?” 
“This information itself is your gain, Satake of the New People’s Party is related to this, not only that, Satake is the main figure of the young politicians of the New People’s Party right now. This not only affects Satake, to the New People’s Party as a whole, it is a lethal scandal.” 
Naota is the Secretary General of Independent Party, for many years they are the number one party that leads the country, now that the Independent Party has fallen to become an opposition, it is their wish to get back into power. A scandal powerful enough to shake the current ruling party itself, he could not sit back and ignore it. 
“It is as you said.” 
Naota looked at the document on the bar table, and calmly nodded once. 
“Of my long career in politics, this is the most heavyweight explosive I’ve encountered, I can’t imagine a member of parliament of the ruling party would have a hand in a terrorist attack.” 
After speaking in a harsh like tone, Naota once again look at Touji, “But, provided what is written on it is true.” He added this proviso. 

“There is no explanation in the papers, and to use this method of contacting me directly, from what I see is that you do not have any means of proving it.” 
“… The previous magic investigation department chief can provide a statement.” 
“Totally unconvincing, that chief knows that his statement could not convince anyone, that’s why he did not come personally, and decided to make you come here isn’t it?” 
“That is because---” 
“Any investigation related to magic must have all evidence gathered, any action taken must be extra cautious. You should know something of this level? You don’t even have evidence, this can’t be even considered as [useful] information. Besides, the spiritual disaster terrorist attack is said to be in two days’ time, this is really not a time to be negotiating.” 
Naota coldly judged, once again a sinister smile appeared on his lips. 
--- Calm down. 
Touji restrained himself, he knew beforehand that Naota would attack him about the lack of evidence, he also knows the current situation is very challenging to his group. To the parties concerned like Touji, or to those people who are suspicious of the things happening in the magic world and the Onmyou Agency these few years, they will likely be convinced. To a third party that is not related with the situation where they have no prior information and there is no evidence, to have them believe the crimes Kurahashi and his men committed is just impossible. 
It is precisely because of this, Touji and his group need to rope in Naota. 
“Evidence wise, it can be found as long as we look for it. The chief and his men definitely do not have absolute control over Onmyou Agency, not to mention spending so much time in such a large-scale crime, logically speaking, there is no way that they did not leave any evidence behind. Even if one is not a Onmouji, as long as people from outside carry out appropriate investigation, evidence can definitely be found.” 
“That comment is just your personal expectation, besides, just with these few pieces of paper, how can you expect the government to carry out investigation.” 
“This is why I request for your help, even though you are a member of parliament of the opposition, there are no problems if you want the police to take action right?” 
“Really can’t stand the shallow thinking of outsiders, even if is Cabinet Members, if the conditions are not met, no one can randomly order any on site action.” 
Facing Touji who was trying his best to persuade him, Naota kept his cool, replied with a smile. 
“Not to mention Onmyou Agency is a special place, to anyone that is not an Onmyouji, that place is a true pandemonium. If we do not have evidence, or have the situation of the society as a backing, it is very hard to take any action against them.” 
Naota’s smile revealed his wicked intention. It is an illusion. Touji stared at the other party, not willing to let him go. 
“We are currently working hard in looking for backing from the public opinion, it is mentioned in the document, Amami chief is currently meeting with the chief editor of Onmyouji Monthly Magazine. You should know about Onmyou Monthly Magazine, right? After we are done with preparation, we will expose using the internet, when that happens, no doubt the Onmyou Agency will receive a huge blow. If an investigation is to be carried out, that will be the best time to do so.” 
The situation was as described by Amami, for Touji and his group to turn the tide from the current adversity, they can only use reckless methods to mess up the current situation, and to use this method to achieve an [advantage]. For the sake of breaking up the detailed preparations the enemy had done, they can only counter attack with one vigorous blow. 
“Do you truly believe this level of struggle will change the situation? Even if the situation really changed, time itself is still undeniably insufficient.” 
These words from Naota were very logical. Without anyone reminding him, he knows this is a disadvantageous gamble. 
“But time should be sufficient enough for you to take action.” 
“The situation is still the same. I cannot possibly under the condition of not having any evidence, solely relying on this report and take action… besides do you believe you can convince me to take action under such a condition? What reasons do you have, to think I will unconditionally accept this report?” 
“Because I am you father?” 
“Ka-da”, Touji pushed away the bar stool and stood up, Naota’s sinister intent seem to be dripping from the edge of his smile. 
Anger surged as a reaction caused him to momentarily unable to control his emotions. However, it was not because of Naota’s words that made him reach his limit of patience, more importantly, it was his heart that wants to run away badly was known clearly by the other party. 
He made a request to Amami to let him handle this himself, is it because he had confidence to [convince] his father? To use only one document and convince the politician Naota Kouzou, did he really have confidence? He did not actually have confidence, he was anticipating for Naota to [believe] him—believe in his own son? 
His son, stubbornly maintain a distance for so many years and now lowering his head to ask for his help, he could have assumed by doing this, his father— Naota would have agreed to help him? 
--- How stupid. 
Naota Kouzou is not a man that is easy to deal with, looking at his past records, one will know he is not an opponent that can be convinced using such perfunctory thinking. Nevertheless, did he seriously face this obvious reality? 
He clenched his teeth. 
Please [believe] me--- if this sentence could be spoken, he wondered how relaxed he could be. However, he stopped himself from speaking those words, speaking that sentence would mean wanting Naota to agree to this on behalf of their father and son relationship. Pride is no matter, but Naota will definitely not forgive such a lucky attitude. This kind of attitude, would mean Touji did not have the value of fighting alongside with Naota. 
To agree to this meeting, was already the biggest concession he could give. To flexibly utilise this hard to come by chance, Touji can only rely on his on effort. 
“… I can’t blame you for not believing the contents of the document… what is written on it seems to be unbelievable, you don’t want to accept it is also reasonable.” Touji used his entire body’s strength to control his tone, spoke continuously. He then rests his hand on the bar table, “however.” He turned his body towards Naota. 
“Even if you do not [accept]… there is no way for you to [ignore] right? If the things I had told you were true, it will result in an irreversible spiritual disaster…!” 
“… Listen carefully, the Onmyou Agency is currently spending all their efforts in [preventing terrorist attack], to investigate them right now is as good as hindering their actions.” 
“The document has mentioned about that being their trick, right? Or what are you trying to say? Are you implying that this negotiation is a trap set by [terrorist Tsuchimikado Harutora]? Or is it you are assuming that I wanted to gain your attention, to the point that I used the currently missing previous magic investigation department chief and the editorial department of Onmyouji Monthly Magazine, to make up a big lie?” 
For once, Naota stopped his continuous refuting. Touji views it as a very good reaction, clenched his fist. 
Naota is a person that works with [logic]. 
Besides, he mentioned it before, he cannot imagine what kind of [important matters] Touji had such that he had to see his father. 
Touji had no reason to lie, the only possibility is hoping to destroy his father’s arrogance. However, if this is true, it is impossible that Amami and the chief editor of Onmyouji Monthly Magazine to lend a hand. Besides, if the investigation of the Onmyou Agency really takes place, it does not benefit Touji’s group at all. In other words, at least this can be seen as Touji and his comrades believed the contents of the document to be accurate, and is an evidence of their determination to stop the other party from taking action. 
On the other hand, it could be that Touji’s group were being lied to, but assuming the terrorist tried to use Touji’s group to restrict the movements of Onmyou Agency, this kind of method is far too inefficient, even [illogical]. 
What Touji’s group is trying to accomplish is [extremely difficult], will the terrorist specially prepare such a trap that is [difficult to succeed]? Moreover, instead of lying to Naota and make him pressure Onmyou Agency, using such a roundabout method, logically speaking there are better ways of doing this. The irony of this is that, it is exactly this plan of Touji’s group having a very low chance of success, the chances of this being part of the terrorist plan is very low as well. 
Looking from an optimistic perspective, this might be a plan that was made from being delusional. There is no evidence, and insufficient time to react, even more so there is no reason for Naota to act. 
At least the action Touji’s group took—in regards to the [important matters] that Touji seek Naota for, assuming the contents of the document are judged to be rightfully [logical]. 
“… I will say this again, the mastermind behind the spiritual disaster terror attack is Kurahashi Genji and his men, this is absolutely accurate. It doesn’t matter if you believe it or not, however…” 
Touji looked directly into Naota’s eyes, allowing his determination to flow into his sight. 
“The things I have mentioned—the dangers of this matter, you cannot simply [ignore].” 
Naota fearlessly took on Touji’s sight, after that, a smile appeared on his lips, using an unusually cold tone and replied… 
“Why? I personally would think that pretending to not know this is a much clever choice.” 
“You are asking why?” Touji laughed loudly. “Because you are a politician, because you are a person that [sacrificed many things in life], a man that is living in this world as a politician. When a terrorist attack happens, the chance of causing the lives of the citizens to be lost, even if the chance of this happening is less than one percent, you are not able to simply ignore.” 
Touji brought out the vigour that is cornering the other party, firmly made this declaration. 
Naota’s smile disappeared, his eyes widened slightly. 
He shifted his line of slight slowly, “… What a way.” He muttered. At this moment, Naota’s expression changed to the one of happiness for a brief moment— Touji was thinking if he was mistaken. 
The heavy atmosphere in the shop was lifted, Naota then slowly and carefully stood up from the bar stool, said to the highly alerted Touji… 
“As expected, discussing this matter with you is meaningless.” Touji felt like his body was pinned to a heavy rock. 
He immediately thought of continuing to speak, but he could not find the right words to make Naota stay. For the remaining methods, he could only think of using brute force to make the other party bow down, and no doubt this action is as good as declaring he had lost. 
Please—this word came up to his throat, the faces of his friends flashed through his mind, the urge to plea for Naota’s help raged in his heart. 
However, he couldn’t do it. The calm side of himself desperately stopped the side of himself that wants to rely on the word [please], this word not only will make Naota disappointed, it will not make him change his mind as well. He is not a person that will be swayed by this kind of words, this is not that kind of situation, and they are not discussing about that kind of matters as well, that’s why Touji could only watch blankly at Naota stand up and tidy the lower part of his suit. 
“… I will observe what happens after the exposition before I do anything.” 
Touji’s body shivered at these very words of Naota. 
He nearly shouted… “Father!” Right before he shouted, he quickly swallowed those words. After that, he observed the side view of his father. 
Did Naota decide to take action or not, it cannot be seen from his expression. Looking at his father, he cannot help but have a glimmer of hope. 
However, isn’t it that this kind of words meant that at least the scenario where by negotiation had broken down has been avoided? The situation now is still not hopeless, even though the conclusion is still unknown… Suddenly, “… I can’t stand this… it’s been a while since I’ve encounter such [height of a case] …” Naota used an unusually relaxed tone and muttered. Touji did not hear clearly, “What?” and looked towards his father. These words from Naota is just a mutter to himself, he did not have intention of letting Touji hear it. From the start, he did not felt Touji’s frustration, after he turned his head reluctantly, he immediately regained his usual coldness. Then, without speaking anymore, he walked towards the exit of the shop. 
He placed his hand on the door knob, and opened the door. 
Touji stared at Naota’s back, whether he performed satisfactory or not in this round, the man that holds the answer did not even look towards Touji. 
Naota left the shop without turning back. 
In Touji’s eyes, just like this, the back of his father disappeared into the exit, the door closed soundlessly.

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