After sending the zombie girls into the bathroom, Takumi lying naked on top of the bed after changing the bed sheets into a new one. It was strange that after the sex feast is over he entered the wise man mode and his mind was calm. Slowly he think about the situation.
Of course it was about what he will do in the future.
The current situation didn’t show any sign to ends soon and things that he alone can do is limited.
“Maybe this is enough for now.”
above all, he still need to maintain his health and survival in this extreme situation. When he was sick, it becomes impossible to go and see a doctor, that’s why even a simple sickness is a doom. Not to mention if it was an unknown sickness. Just a simple pneumonia from the cold even becomes hard to diagnose and treat. Therefore Takumi also need to take care of his health and food intake. Make sure that his digestion system doesn’t encounter any problem.
Yu and Anba is still looking very healthy at the moment so it wouldn’t be funny if Takumi is the one who fell sick while he in fact should take care of the two.
“It was impossible to have a good diet if I didn’t found some source for fiber.”
However, it is also not to mention that Takumi physical condition is far better than what it used to be. His current body is light and didn’t feel even tired after he walked far around the area and looting miscellaneous in the middle of the night. His face freckles and pimples are also gone, his skin is now as if he was still in his teens.
So for the time being, aside from the diet problem, he also still need to think about this zombie apocalypse. Some people still surviving out there because the internet still have people posting from time to time. If you look at it, it is probably the last stand of mankind where we unite at once trying to gathered our knowledge.
As time goes by, lots of people are also writing encouragement that is increasing every day.
But still one question remain unanswered.
“Why does the zombie apocalypse occurred?”
majority agreed that it was because of a virus. Some people said it was an evolving parasite and even a research was done to see if zombie’s brain have a parasite living inside them. However none of the theory can be proven. Even using electron microscope, there is not a speck of clue.
At the same time, people thinking back about the zombie themed movie, novels, comics and games. Takumi himself rummage in the net but his focus was on erotic cartoons and erotic novels.
“Ah, this story about the MC not attacked by the zombie. Could it be me?”
in one of the novel he read, the zombie are able to turn back into human by having sex. In that novel, the MC ‘white liquid’ carried something that could killed the zombie virus. However it was only a faint hope. After all Takumi has released lots of his loads inside the zombies but there is no miracle such as they returned into human beings.
Speaking of changes, the zombie are now acting more and more natural. At first, their walking style was wobbling unsteady left and right badly but right now they regain their balance and walk normally. If you look at them from the distance, there is no real differences. And this phenomenon that Takumi saw also occurred all over the world.
“It is as if the zombie has accustomed to move in their new body.”
like common occurrence where a child isn’t able to ride bicycle for the first time but after time passed, they will be able to ride perfectly.
Takumi suddenly shook his head. This kind of idea is unacceptable. It was as if the human body is taken over by zombies entity.
Takumi looked back and found Azuri. It was because of her that his theory was broken down. Azuri is now a zombie but her eyes is always directed to Takumi. When at first she is even able to protect Yu and Anba when they are still in the school just in case of emergency, now she didn’t need to do that anymore. The apartment security was sufficient and at the lower level, layer after layer of zombie is gathered. Takumi himself are proud at his new defense.
That is also why he feel a guilt in his heart that he let Azuri be in such a state. He will feel the same if it happened to Yu and Anba. Right now, the two of them aren’t able to move around without Takumi permission and it was restricted to their residential floor only. Although it was seemed to be a complex instruction but they both comply obediently.
It was also why Azuri sometimes can be seen besides Anba and Yu. Perharps she is still following her previous command to protect them. Takumi wanted to believes that was the case. But still she is a zombie in a room with two normal people. However Takumi still let Azuri to be able to freely wander around. That is why, she is able to come here right now.
Takumi lost in his thoughts. Is she still has her memory? He want to see a hope to return her to her previous condition.
Takumi stretched out his hands to pats her head and Azuri responded by moving forward a little. Seeing that, his brain thinks again.
No matter what is her condition now, Azuri is still his sister. Both Anba and Azuri, they are his sister. They are the only things that he could be proud of. Smart and beautiful, good personality, that is his sister. Anba that is cheerful and always be the center of attention, respected, surrounded by many friends, junior and even senior. Azuri prefered to read book quietly alone but apart from that, she was smart and has lots of friends in class with looks that is not losing to her sister. A hint of sadness appeared in his eyes.
In his memory, he always see Anba smiled like a sunflower blooming and Azuri smile like the lotus in the pond. Both of them coyly called him ‘onii-san’.
right now, Azuri voice that called out to him lack any emotion. It was still her lovely voice but her cuteness is gone. Still, Azuri is able to speak those words that recognized Takumi as her brother. In her mind Takumi is still Takumi. The more he think about it the more he confused.
Azuri also like the others zombie, start to show changes little by little. Is it possible if she will completely turn into a zombie in the future? It’s something that Takumi want to avoid.
“Onii…. Chan…”
Even if there is a gap before the other words come out, each sentence are calling out to Takumi many times. Each time, Takumi always stroked her head and eventually Azuri will fall silent and sit down on the bed.
After that some rumbling sound can be heard. Takumi directs his face towards the source and it was the naked body of Yayoi, Rika and Fumika comes out from the bath with towel covering their body. This is really a pleasing sight if only the three of them wasn’t expressionless zombie girls with shining red eyes that is surreal.
Even after finishing the bath, it just stand still without doing nothing to wiped the body with the towel which every living human will naturally do. As he thinks like that, he feels something changed.
“The three of you…”
The girls listened to his voice and looked at him. However they are moving towards him like a robot without feelings. If only there is a trace of emotion inside them.
“Ah, nothing. Just make sure to wipe your body.”
the zombies didn’t answered and just obediently followed the instruction.
Without showing much movement when wiping their body with the towel, and didn’t care if Takumi that is from the opposite sex are in the same room with them. Takumi takes a deep breath and decided to take a shower to clean himself.
(TL note: finally some development to the story)
“Fu… hot…”
Sakura said as she walked under the blazing sun. it was the 19th street from the university that is full of zombies roaming around. Sakura wears a white tank top and short dark blue jeans. She tied her hair up in a ponytail and looking around with full of curiosity. Her sharp eyes full of strong will and looked impressive. Her chest area is developed enough to creates a fascinating valley under the white tank top. Slender legs that is wrapped in the short jeans are something that invites crime along with her smooth thighs.
Even though he is under the blazing summer sun, her skin wasn’t affected at all and still retain its pure white color. If it was a month before, every men’s eyes definitely would be gazing at her with full of lust and admiration.
After the zombie apocalypse if someone goes out like this with exposed dressing was akin to suicide. It was common sense that to reduce the possibility of being infected by a zombie, one would wear thick clothing for protection. It was even aired in the special TV program that the government publicize.
So was she looking to suicide? The answer is not.
“Well, I wish I could find other survivor.”
Sakura examined the group of zombie with observant eyes. Yes, it can be said that in the city full of zombie, she is not attacked by them.
One month ago at the university of Tokyo she was bitten by a zombie however she couldn’t remember anything else aside from that.
“I just realized, maybe I’m not a human anymore.”
She tried to search her house but her parents are already dead and become a zombie. Why they turn into a zombie while she survived? What kind of circumstances that lead to her condition?
At her early days, she feels heavy headache but as times goes by, it reduced and now she has a very good condition.
Any zombies that is overflowing the road gives her a different kind of feeling which makes her understand.
(Tl note: sakura is talking to herself)
“They are not my kind.”
“Where is my kind?”
“There are some that is the same like me.”
“Somehow I understand.”
“We must increase our number.”
“This is because there are still a lot of human and our number is still small.”
“We need to increase our number.”
“Of course I need to find my man.”
“I need to find a man because I’m a woman.”
“But, human male is useless. Zombie also didn’t work.”
“Ah, how can I not understand?”
“Somewhere, there are a person that will lead us.”
“Our king? Emperor? Master?”
“No matter what we need to find this person.”
“But where? Where is he?”
“Maybe he is in the place where other people live?”
“There is a chance that I will find one of my kind.”
Toward the center district on the 23rd street, Sakura began to walk.
Her backpack are filled with sleeping bags, food, and survival necessity. She already walked from the middle of the night until now, noon. But she can only see zombie all over the place.
“What do I have to do?”
When she arrived at a major intersection, she get an idea. There is some man wearing JSDF uniform.
(Tl note: this is the man in the radio talking)
“We find survivor!”
Sakura stopped for a moment and decided to observe the situation. Because there is no way the JSDF will go this far just to save a single survivor.
Just in case they really did that, they wouldn’t do it in the middle of the day and will choose the night where less zombie roaming around.
Sakura tried to hear more of the conversation from the radio.
“Yes… I understand… Doctor Nakagawa you survived the virus. We will come and take you back to the shelter.”
She must be going to be taken to a shelter or refugee camp. However one thing disturbing her. If she is also a survivor, she might have an answer. Nakagawa Sarah is a renowned medical scientist and nobody will doubt her words. Soon, fate brought two girls that survived after being bitten by zombie together.
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