.hack//AI Buster - Volume 2 - Chapter 3.2

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I entered the world of my avatar, Kamui, a Long Arm and Captain of the Cobalt Knights. Our mission was to delete bugs.

I searched through the dark dungeons until I found several Cobalt Knights surrounding a little girl. Her facial features were European and she wore a gothic outfit, all black, of course.

She looked so innocent. She reminded me of the girl in red, a Vagrant AI, who had once escaped from my boss.

"Captain," called out Magi, a Wavemaster with glasses. "We've confirmed it's a Vagrant AI."

"Useless data," I spouted, glaring at her as if she were a cockroach runn ing across the kitchen floor.

The other knights, all Long Arms with spears and plate mail, cornered the barefooted girl against the wall. She appeared afraid, which was odd considering Vagrant AI's can't fe eL There was no player manipulating her avatar. She was just a program, without any sentient life at the controls. A Vagtant AI was little more than a cyber parasire.

"Your orders, Captain?" Magi called out.

"According to regulations, this Non-Player Chatacter is recognized as an irregular NPC that is not in the specification of the Japanese version of The World," I recited.

With a sudden clang, the knights, in perfect unison, lowered their spears and stepped forward. They targe ted the little girl with their spears, debugging items held only by system administrators.

"H-Help me;' the little girl pleaded, fumbling her words innocently. It irritated me.

"You don't fool us, Al!" I barked. "Delete her!"

I enabled the debug command. T he spears thrust forward, and pulled away, colored with transparent blood. We had compleced our mission.

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