Cooking with Wild Game (LN) - Volume 16 - Chapter 4.6

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Group Performance: The Rutim Wife and the Four Ruu Sisters

In the early afternoon on the ninth of the ashen month, Ama Min Rutim visited the main Ruu house. Upon arriving, and before stepping inside, the first person she ran into was the eldest daughter, Vina Ruu.

“Oh my, what brings you here, Ama Min Rutim? You aren’t supposed to be on duty till tomorrow, isn’t that right?”

For some reason, Vina Ruu was outside the house, seated leaning against the wall and deliberating about something. With a nod directed the girl’s way, Ama Min Rutim pointed to the pulling board she had dragged here.

“You see, the Rutim managed to take down a nice plump giba for the first time in a while, so I came to deliver it to Asuta.”

“Ooh... Maybe this isn’t the proper way to put it, but I’m surprised Dan Rutim was willing to let such a high-quality giba go...”

“Well, they caught another that was just as good, and so they decided to send one to the Fa clan.”

It would soon be a month since the Rutim’s break period came to an end, so they wouldn’t be lacking giba meat anytime soon. From that perspective, it made sense that Dan Rutim would want to hand it over, even as great of a catch as it was. The Fa clan would be entering their own break period soon, so they would have more and more trouble supplying enough giba meat for all their needs.

“A giba’s less tasty when it doesn’t have much fat... Not that I ever worried about stuff like that before Asuta taught me how to make a good meal, though.”

“Fat, huh...?” Vina Ruu repeated with a sad look in her eyes. “Ama Min Rutim, you have just the right amount of fat for a woman, don’t you? Not too little, but not too much either...”

“H-Huh? What in the world are you talking about?”

“Well, I mean, there’s more fat on me than most people...”

While it was a bit rude to do so, Ama Min Rutim gave Vina Ruu a thorough once-over. She didn’t look overly fat in the least. Of course, she wasn’t slim-figured either, but she had a truly healthy-looking body with womanly curves that would surely be attractive to a great many men out there. As a fellow woman, Ama Min Rutim certainly didn’t think she had anything to worry about in terms of her appearance.

Besides, Vina Ruu possessed an incredible amount of charm and sex appeal. She garnered a great deal of interest from the opposite sex not just throughout the settlement at the forest’s edge, but in the post town as well. Her droopy, sleepy-looking gaze, plump lips, and beautiful yet somehow still childlike face all served to lead men astray.

Normally, Vina Ruu should instead be worried about attracting too much male attention. After all, you couldn’t even count on two hands the number of times that she had turned down marriage proposals over the course of the past five years.

“It’s embarrassing when you stare like that...” Vina Ruu said, wriggling her body and looking worried. Even if she didn’t mean to, that action was another one that would earn her more attention from men.

“My apologies. But you’re beautiful enough that anyone would be jealous of you, Vina Ruu. Of course, standards of beauty can vary from country to country.”

Vina Ruu went silent when she heard that.

“But even so, that man from Sym said he was attracted to what was inside of you rather than your appearance, didn’t he? I don’t think there’s anything for you to worry about.”

“How do you know about that, Ama Min Rutim?”

“Ah, sorry. I just happened to overhear Lala Ruu and Asuta discussing it.”

After giving a long, heavy sigh, Vina Ruu broke out in a childish pout. “It’s not like it matters to me all that much how that man saw me... It just made me notice that I’ve got too much meat and fat on my bones...”

“I certainly don’t think so. Even if you’re not overly skinny, you’re certainly not fat either.” Then, with a bit of a worried look, Ama Min Rutim added, “So, uh...please don’t try to force yourself to lose weight, all right?”

“What makes you think I’d want to do that?” Vina Ruu retorted with a displeased look, but that was soon replaced by a weary expression. In all likelihood she was doing it unconsciously, but she gripped the jeweled bracelet around her left wrist. According to Asuta, it was a gift meant to ward off disaster, given to her by that easterner Shumiral.

“You’re worrying about whether or not you should marry that man, aren’t you?”

“There’s no way my dad would accept that... The Ruu are one of the leading clans, and have to serve as an example for the people of the forest’s edge...”

“Is that your real worry? How you should conduct yourself when Donda Ruu refuses?”

Vina Ruu held her tongue.

Leaning over in front of the girl, Ama Min Rutim peered into her eyes.

“I think that’s probably the right way to approach things. Since the man is prepared to cast aside his god Sym in order to marry you, you should give it some serious thought regardless of whether you decide to accept or refuse his proposal in the end.”

“I don’t know what’s right, though...”

“It’s about what you feel is best. You should choose what would make you happiest, Vina Ruu.”

Vina Ruu shot Ama Min Rutim a reproachful look back. “It’s too difficult for me to decide... After all, what makes me happiest may be bad for my family and others...”

“I don’t believe that’s true. What will make the people who care about you the most happy is seeing you happy.”

At that, Vina Ruu’s expression shifted entirely again. Now, she had the look of a worried child who had gotten separated from her parents. “Lately, I can’t even tell what it is I want... I’m sure Lala and Asuta must have talked about that too, right?”

“Well, yes, they did.”

Apparently when she said farewell to the easterner Shumiral, Vina Ruu had expressed her admiration for the outside world. However, she had given up that desire and made up her mind to live as a person of the forest’s edge.

It certainly was something for a person of the forest’s edge to want to see what lay beyond. As far as Ama Min Rutim knew, there wasn’t anyone else like that out there. And then who should fall for her, but a man from far, far away, Shumiral.

That must have caused Vina Ruu to second-guess herself terribly. It was possible he could take her out into the world, if she asked. It couldn’t have been easy for her to figure out how she should regard someone like him...and after deeply agonizing about it for a long, long time, Vina Ruu had firmly decided to keep living at the settlement at the forest’s edge.

Normally, that would have been the end of things. But unexpectedly, that Shumiral man didn’t ask to take Vina Ruu away with him, but rather said he would marry into the people of the forest’s edge. He must have greatly agonized over it himself, and in light of how difficult it would be to have Vina Ruu marry into his family, as she was a member of a leading clan, he decided to forsake his god and homeland.

It’s only natural that would leave Vina Ruu feeling confused, Ama Min Rutim thought to herself as she kept on staring at the other girl’s worried face. As Vina Ruu fidgeted with the tips of her brown hair, she gave another deep sigh.

“There’s no way that I can choose the right path forward if I don’t even know how I feel, right? What does it even mean to love someone to begin with...?”

“I imagine nobody can give you a clear answer to that question.”

“Really...? But Ama Min Rutim...didn’t you marry Gazraan Rutim because you love him?”

“Yes. But I found out how Gazraan felt about me some time before that. If I hadn’t, I’m sure nothing would have happened, and I would have given up on marrying him,” Ama Min Rutim replied, feeling her cheeks grow warm. “I don’t doubt my feelings for him now, but I never realized what they were until then. In fact, I even thought it would be better if Gazraan would just hurry up and marry some other woman.”

“Really? I find that hard to imagine, looking at you now...”

“That’s understandable. But I am so glad that Gazraan opened up to me first. Just the thought of a life without him by my side is enough to make my heart ache now,” Ama Min Rutim said, and then she placed both hands over her cheeks. “I’m sorry. I must’ve sounded really embarrassing just now. You probably think I’m a fool, going on like that.”

“Of course I don’t. But for you to be so open about all that for my sake... You’re very kind, Ama Min Rutim...”

“Well, we’re relatives, and you’re important to me.”

“I had thought...that maybe you hated me...” Vina Ruu said with a bit of a worried look, her upturned eyes staring at Ama Min Rutim.

For a moment Ama Min Rutim had no idea what she meant, but then she understood and said, “Ah, you mean how you turned down a request to marry Gazraan? Neither of us are concerned about that at all. And besides, after that I thought it was obvious you only wanted to marry someone who was truly right for you.”


“Gazraan and I were only able to finally find one another after all sorts of hand-wringing. I suspect it’s a given that people will fret excessively when they’re choosing someone to spend their life with. So I think it’s fine if it takes you a while to work through your struggles, trying to find the right solution to this problem and grab hold of a happy future for yourself.”

“It’s normal to worry? I hadn’t even thought of that...”

After staring at the ground for a bit, Vina Ruu eventually looked straight back at Ama Min Rutim.

“Ama Min Rutim... I’m sure if I were a man, I would have fallen for someone like you... So modest, and yet resolute too... You’re incredibly charming.”

“Huh? No, I’m just good at making myself look that way. For a long time, my family was worried about what would become of me because my personality was so intense, you know.”

“Really...? That’s definitely hard to believe... But thank you. I feel a bit more at ease now, hearing you say that it’s okay to worry...” Vina Ruu replied with a beautiful smile. “I’ll keep thinking it over for the next few months, until my brain wears out... And I’ll try to figure out what I should do...”

“Right. And whenever things get tough, feel free to talk to me.”

Just then, there was a commotion around the entrance to the settlement.

There was a totos-drawn wagon rolling in, which meant that Asuta and the Ruu women had returned from the post town.

“Oh my, it’s already this late? I have to handle the dried pico leaves...” Vina Ruu said, slowly rising to her feet. But then, out of nowhere, she wrapped her graceful arms around Ama Min Rutim in a hug.

“V-Vina Ruu? What is it?”

“Nothing... I just suddenly felt so fond of you... Maybe as the eldest sister, I’m drawn to reliable women?” Vina Ruu reluctantly pulled back from Ama Min Rutim, her cheeks flushing red like those of a lovestruck maiden. “I’m sorry... Um, whenever you next stop by the Ruu settlement, I’d love it if we could talk a lot more...”

“R-Right,” Ama Min Rutim nodded back, thinking to herself that men probably wouldn’t be able to get enough of those watery eyes.

With that, Vina Ruu disappeared around the side of the house, and the totos wagon drove up close to Ama Min Rutim.

“Oh it’s you, Ama Min Rutim. I was wondering who it was,” Asuta said with a worried look, now holding the reins after having gotten down from the driver’s seat. “That was Vina Ruu with you, wasn’t it? Was something the matter?”

Naturally, Asuta must have seen everything on his approach. For some reason, Ama Min Rutim’s cheeks flushed red as she replied, “We were just having a bit of a talk.”

“Oh, Ama Min’s here?”

“Ah, you’re right. What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be handling work around the house?”

Morun Rutim and Tsuvai similarly got down from the wagon and walked over as they spoke. They had both been helping out at the Ruu clan’s stalls, Morun Rutim starting when the sun hit its peak, and Tsuvai from the early morning on.

“Well, our clan hunted down this splendid giba, and I was sent to ask if you would buy it off us, Asuta.”

“Huh? Really? Aren’t the giba around the Rutim settlement supposed to be pretty lean right now?”

“Sometimes plump, healthy giba like this wander nearby. I’m not a hunter myself, though, so I don’t exactly know the details.”

“A fatty giba like this would be a huge help! We’ve been buying meat from the Gaaz and Ratsu and the like, but I have been getting a little concerned about our reserves.”

There was a twinkle in Asuta’s eyes. Today was the fourth day since he had reopened for business in the post town, and with each passing day, he seemed to be filled with more vigor and drive.

“Please, go ahead and look it over in the kitchen. It’s not all that large of a giba, but I believe it should have plenty of fat.”

“Thank you! Well then, let’s take care of that right away!”

The two of them moved the leather bag from the pulling board to the wagon. In the meantime, the remaining women got out of the vehicle. That included Li Sudra and Lala Ruu, who had been helping out with Asuta’s stalls, as well as Sheera and Reina Ruu, who were in charge of the Ruu stalls.

Reina Ruu was the last one to descend, and when Ama Min Rutim saw the girl, she tilted her head and said, “Oh? What’s the matter, Reina Ruu? You look rather worn out... Are you feeling under the weather somehow?”

“Ah, Ama Min Rutim... No, I’m fine, I’m just a bit tired, mentally...” Reina Ruu replied with a strangely troubled smile. In the meantime, the rest of the group circled around to the rear of the building. Asuta had returned to the Fa house four days ago, but he had been stopping by the Ruu settlement after work like this in order to give cooking lessons.

Still seeming troubled, Reina Ruu came in close to Ama Min Rutim.

“You see, this noble who visited the stall kept talking to me, and he refused to leave. I got really worn out dealing with him.”

“A noble visited the stalls? Could it be the one from Banarm?”

She had heard about that from Rau Lea. Apparently, while working that dinner party in the castle town, Reina Ruu had both a young noble and a chef she had met fall for her.

However, Reina Ruu shook her head, “No. It wasn’t the one from Banarm, but one who lives here in Genos. He belongs to the house of Saturas that rules over the post town, and I believe he said his name was Leeheim.”

“The house of Saturas? What does a man like that want with you, Reina Ruu?”

“Well, he was also at the dinner party the other day, the rest of us who cooked with Asuta were introduced to them at the end. Ever since then, he seemed to be trying to talk to me a whole lot... Today he stuck right there next to me the whole time I was working the stall, and just kept gabbing on and on.”

“Oh my,” was all Ama Min Rutim could say, her eyes opening wide. “So on top of that noble from Banarm and chef from the castle town, now it’s a noble of Genos? You’re a very charming woman, of course...but a noble of Genos growing so fixated on a woman of the forest’s edge is unheard of.”

“That’s for sure. What in the world is he even thinking?” Reina Ruu looked plainly troubled. However, that was no real surprise. If Ama Min Rutim were in the same position, she probably would have sprinted straight past that stage and gotten mad or started laughing or something.

“Well, I can’t imagine a noble of Genos asking a woman of the forest’s edge to marry him, so the way he was trying to show affection for you feels more than a little insincere to me.”

“Yes, that’s exactly right. Though it would be a much bigger problem if he actually were asking me to marry him, of course...”

“So what sort of person is this noble?” Ama Min Rutim asked, her curiosity winning out, only for Reina Ruu to break out in a childishly peevish expression.

“He’s a young man who certainly fits the mold of a noble, with a greasy head and everything. He tries to keep up appearances in front of me, but he has this really haughty look in his eyes. And on top of that, he can’t hide how weak and frail he is, like he would collapse on the spot if you were to smack him...”

“I see. That certainly does sound unfortunate.”

“Yeah, it’s a disaster,” Reina Ruu replied so flatly that Ama Min Rutim couldn’t stop a chuckle from slipping out. “It’s no laughing matter for me. I can’t be too blunt with a noble like him, so it really is a problem.”

“My apologies. I understand how you feel,” Ama Min Rutim replied, wiping the smile from her face as she stared back at Reina Ruu.

While Vina Ruu was somewhat taller than Ama Min Rutim, the second daughter Reina Ruu was more than a fist’s width shorter. However, she was every bit as charming as her older sister. Her black hair—rare for the forest’s edge—was tied off and hung down on both sides of her neck, and her blue eyes sparkled brightly on her small face. Though she was short, she had a wonderful build, so there was certainly no shortage of men at the forest’s edge who would want to marry her.

“Still, it just goes to show how charming you are, Reina Ruu, for a noble of Genos to so boldly try to woo you. Can’t you be happy about that much, at least?”

“I don’t feel happy about any of it. If he had happened to see Vina Ruu first, I’m sure he would have fallen for her instead.” Reina Ruu was seventeen just like Ama Min Rutim, but she still kept her speech formal when speaking with the girl. That was why she had referred to a member of her own family using their clan name. Even though Sheera Ruu from the branch houses was older, Reina Ruu would speak casually with her. Ama Min Rutim always felt the second Ruu daughter didn’t need to act so formally around her, especially considering the Ruu were her parent clan.

“I’m not so sure. You and Vina Ruu are both quite charming, but your personalities are so different. I don’t think there’s any guarantee that a man who fell for you would feel the same way toward her.”

“Well, that still doesn’t change the fact that it’s a hassle. With my current state of mind, having men develop feelings for me isn’t exactly welcome.”

“Huh? Even men from the forest’s edge?”

“That’s right. For now, I want to devote everything I’ve got to training my cooking skills, so men trying to court me is nothing but a pain.”

Her way of thinking very much went against the customs of the forest’s edge.

“But getting married and having children is a crucial job for us women. Making good food is important, but there’s no comparison between the two.”

Reina Ruu childishly bit her lip. Since she had a youthful appearance to begin with, that only made her look all the younger.

“I mean...this is just how I honestly feel. It may go against the customs of the forest’s edge, but I can’t imagine not being true to myself.”

“That certainly is a problem. What exactly is making you feel that way?”

“That’s...” Reina Ruu started to say, and then her gaze fell down to the ground. “I don’t exactly know... But I want to become more skilled than even Asuta.”

“More skilled than Asuta? That...sounds like quite a difficult path to walk.”

“I’m well aware. But if I can’t do that, then I don’t know how to stop feeling this way,” Reina Ruu childishly asserted, but there was no hesitation whatsoever in her eyes. Ama Min Rutim thought to herself that maybe she was even more strong-willed than her older sister.

“I see... In that case, I suppose you have no choice but to continue down the path that you believe is right,” Ama Min Rutim replied, to which Reina Ruu’s eyes shot open wide in surprise.

“You’re not going to admonish me? I was expecting you to say something about how a member of the main Ruu house can’t be so selfish.”

“I’m not the sort to put too much value on what’s normal and expected. I believe that as long as you’re not breaking the laws of the forest’s edge, you should follow your feelings above all else,” Ama Min Rutim said, sticking her tongue out a little. “Up until it was decided I would marry Gazraan, my parents were always worried I intended to live out my life alone. But all I wanted was to listen to my heart more than the customs of the forest’s edge.”

“Really...? I always thought you didn’t have any problems reconciling what you want with what our customs demand.”

“You know, I told Vina Ruu this exact thing just a little while ago, but I’m simply good at making it look that way. I’m nowhere near that perfect.”

“That really is a surprise. It seems I misunderstood you, Ama Min Rutim,” Reina Ruu admitted, and then she broke out in a smile as charming as her elder sister’s. “In that case, could I ask you to keep this between us? I don’t want to worry my family.”

“I won’t say a word to anyone. And I’ll be eagerly awaiting the day your efforts pay off.”

“Thanks,” Reina Ruu said, grinning sweetly.

A moment later, two small figures returned from the rear of the house: Tsuvai and Lala Ruu.

“How long are you gonna keep talking, Reina? Asuta and the others have already started preparing for tomorrow.”

“Huh, really?! Sorry, I’ll come right away! See you later, Ama Min Rutim...”

“Right. I’m on duty tomorrow, so we’ll be working together at the stalls and cooking practice.”

“Yeah, I’m looking forward to it,” Reina Ruu replied, her tone changing to sound just a bit more mature. But just as Ama Min Rutim was feeling all warm inside for some reason or another, Tsuvai called out to her.

“Ama Min Rutim, Asuta went ahead and purchased that meat from before. I received payment from him, so let’s hurry back.”

Morun Rutim would be staying in the Ruu settlement and getting in some cooking practice as well as helping to prepare dinner, so Ama Min Rutim nodded back, saying “Right,” only for Lala Ruu to interject.

“Umm, there’s actually a little something I wanted to discuss with you, Ama Min Rutim. Sorry, but could you kill some time at Shin Ruu’s house, Tsuvai?”

“Huh? But I’ve hardly ever talked with Shin Ruu at all.”

“He’s still out in the forest. But you should be able to help Mida and Ryada Ruu with work around the house, right?”

Tsuvai instantly looked displeased when she heard that suggestion. “Mida and I had our blood ties severed, so it’d set a bad example if we see each other so casually, wouldn’t it...?”

“That’s not true at all. You fall under the Rutim clan while Mida’s a member of the Ruu, so you’re undoubtedly still relatives. And there’s nothing wrong at all about relatives having a nice friendly conversation. You and Mida, and Yamiru Lea over in the Lea clan, you’re all trying hard to live properly as people of the forest’s edge, so you’ve got nothing to feel ashamed of.”

“I didn’t really feel ashamed of anything to begin with.”

“I know, so go ahead and hurry to Shin Ruu’s house already. I’ll get Ama Min Rutim back to you soon enough.”

Though she looked incredibly reluctant, Tsuvai started walking. Still, Ama Min Rutim felt relieved to see that the pair of girls who were around the same age got along surprisingly well. Both of them were short-tempered and frank, so perhaps their unreserved natures caused them to click.

“So, what is it you wanted to talk to me about?” Ama Min Rutim asked while watching Tsuvai leave.

Lala Ruu rustled her bright red hair and said, “Ah... Could we move over to that tree? I feel like somebody could suddenly walk out and hear us if we stand in front of the house.”

“All right.”

Just as the girl had asked, they walked into the shade of a large tree to the side of the main house. However, even after moving there, Lala Ruu still wasn’t speaking up about her business.

“It’s unusual for you to want to talk with me. Is it something to do with business in the post town?” Ama Min Rutim prompted, though she figured it had to be something else.

As expected, Lala Ruu shook her head and said, “No. Umm, if you don’t feel like answering, you don’t have to, but...have you ever fought with Gazraan Rutim?”

“Have we fought? No, not that I can think of.”

“Right, you two have such relaxed personalities... But what about before you got married? Did your opinions clash any more than now?”

“I’m not sure. Of course, there were little things we differed on, but Gazraan and I just naturally seem to think in similar ways.”

“I see... So it really is best to marry someone like that, huh?”

“Oh, no,” Ama Min Rutim replied. “That sort of thing varies from person to person. As long as you match each other where it matters most, in the foundation of your being, nothing else is important. And even if Gazraan and I think alike, our personalities and temperaments are very different.”

“Really? You two seem so similar to each other, though.”

“I wouldn’t say that. Gazraan and I are both just good at making it look that way.”

Ama Min Rutim had never imagined she would be saying almost the same thing three times in one day. It wasn’t as if she particularly tried to hide how she felt, but her family had taught her to treat others politely, and perhaps she had been a little too successful at that.

“Still, it’s not like the two of you regularly fight or anything...” Lala Ruu said with a sigh, looking depressed.

Her bright red hair was done up at the top of her head, and she had only just turned thirteen years old. It seemed her womanhood was showing in her height first, as she was rather slender, and Ama Min Rutim felt that the way the girl was always lively and open like a boy was her greatest charm. The fact that she was acting so uncharacteristically down suggested she was dealing with even greater concerns than her older sisters.

“You see, I’m always fighting with this boy, Shin Ruu... Actually, rather than a fight, it’s more just me getting mad and yelling at him.”

“I see. So that’s why you were asking, is it?”

“Yeah. But Shin Ruu is a fine hunter at the age of sixteen, and on top of that he’s the head of a branch house responsible for his family of five. It doesn’t seem right for a younger woman like me to be yelling at him. I really don’t want to make Shin Ruu look bad if I can help it...”

“Reputation certainly is important. Especially with men of the forest’s edge, as they take strength from their pride as hunters,” Ama Min Rutim stated, but then she added, “However, reputation and pride may seem similar, but they’re not the same. Reputation is a word for how other people see you, while pride is a personal matter.”

“Huh? I’m sorry, I don’t get it. Maybe that’s a little too complicated for me.”

“It isn’t complicated at all. What I mean to say is that what’s important is how Shin Ruu feels. If he thinks you’re more precious and important than anyone else, then it shouldn’t be any issue no matter what you yell at him.”

“Huh? But shouldn’t I be more considerate of someone important to me?”

“Do you think you’re being thoughtless with him, Lala Ruu?”

“Of course not! But I’m always hitting him with my personal opinions and feelings...”

“If our opinions and feelings differed, then I wouldn’t want to hide that from Gazraan or have him do so to me.”

“Yeah...but you don’t yell at him, right, Ama Min Rutim?”

“That’s true. But I do try to get my feelings across the best I can,” Ama Min Rutim explained, breaking out in a smile. “You’re not the sort to hide your feelings, are you, Lala Ruu? That can lead to you yelling without meaning to, but on the other hand, it can also help you get your feelings across to him, so I don’t think you have anything to worry about.”

“D-Did you already know about Shin Ruu, Ama Min Rutim?” Lala Ruu asked, her cheeks going adorably red in a way that was very easy to read.

“No,” Ama Min Rutim said with a shake of her head. “But I’m well aware of how earnest you are. I’m sure you’ll be just fine.”

“No, I won’t! I’m so immature, just a kid who can’t even control her own emotions!”

“Not so. If you were to tell someone how you feel about something and they get upset about it, they would be in the wrong.”

“That can’t be right!”

“If that’s what worries you, why not check with him directly? Wouldn’t that be the most certain method?”

Lala Ruu looked utterly bewildered. “Ch-Check with him? How would I even bring up something like that?”

“There’s no need to be indirect. You just need to tell him like you did with me before. Then your feelings should get across just fine.”

“Huh?! Saying something like that to Shin’d just be so embarrassing.”

“You feel uneasy and anxious, don’t you? I think the best way to get past that is to be open about your feelings. And I think getting your feelings across is something you’re really good at, Lala Ruu.”

Lala Ruu hung her head while covering her mouth with her hands. Her face had gone as red as her hair. She was sure to grow as beautiful as her older sisters in the next few years. That man she had fallen for was quite a lucky fellow.

“People are equally drawn both to what’s similar to them and what’s different. Perhaps that Shin Ruu boy is the sort who doesn’t let his emotions show all that much?”

“Y-Yeah. I’m surprised you knew that. But you’re right, Shin Ruu is pretty bad at being open with his feelings.”

“It’s said that we people of the forest’s edge are descended from a mix of Sym and Jagar blood, after all. Perhaps that is why most of us are divided into one of two extremes, either not letting our emotions show much at all, or being very open with them instead. So I suspected there was a chance that if that boy was bad at showing his feelings, someone as open as you might be very precious to him,” Ama Min Rutim explained, once again smiling. “And what’s more, I think he’d find it sad to see you try to suppress your feelings on his behalf. So rather than fretting all on your own, I believe you should share what you’re feeling with him.”

“You’re amazing, Ama Min Rutim... You may be the only woman I’ve met other than Sati Lea who can talk about something so difficult.”

“Really? I’m just someone who has trouble keeping her composure, so I try to express what I’m feeling as accurately as possible.”

“No, you’re seriously incredible! I’m really glad I talked to you, Ama Min Rutim!” Lala Ruu declared, a brilliant sparkle in her blue eyes. “I’m sorry for stopping you when you were about to leave. I guess you should get going before Tsuvai gets sick of waiting, huh?”


Ama Min Rutim didn’t often have a chance to talk to the Ruu sisters, but they certainly were opening up to her today. It certainly had been an unusual day for her.

After that, she followed Lala Ruu over to Shin Ruu’s house...only to find quite a few more people there than she had expected. There were Tsuvai and Mida, as well as that hunter from Masara, Jeeda, and the youngest Ruu daughter, Rimee Ruu, making for quite an unusual crowd.

“Ah, Ama Min Rutim! Long time no see!” Rimee Ruu exclaimed, unreserved as always.

“You’re right.” Ama Min Rutim smiled back. At the same time, she took note of Lala Ruu glaring at Jeeda out of the corner of her eye.

“I was wondering why you weren’t at the main house, but what are you doing in a place like this?”

“I’ve been helping them cut firewood. I can’t see why you’d want to complain about that.”

This foreign hunter Jeeda had been heading into the post town alongside Asuta and his fellow chefs to act as a bodyguard. Since the wagon was full with six people in it, he had instead rode on a Ruu clan totos, and it seemed he had headed over to Shin Ruu’s house as soon as he got back to the settlement. The totos Ruuruu, meanwhile, was tied to a nearby tree and munching on leaves.

“You could help some other house with cutting firewood. But this one has both Ryada Ruu and Mida, so they aren’t lacking for men,” Lala Ruu stated in a tone that was none too pleasant. Ama Min Rutim figured she must have harbored some sort of grudge against Jeeda.

A few moments later, Rimee Ruu tugged on the hem of Ama Min Rutim’s clothing and explained, “See, Jeeda beat up Shin Ruu a while back, so Lala doesn’t really like him. But Shin Ruu’s been practicing real hard so he can take on Jeeda in a contest of strength once his injuries are healed.”

“Rimee! What are you whispering about?!”

“Nothing. Honest. But you know, Jeeda has a hard time relaxing with lots of people around. That’s probably why he came to Shin Ruu’s house instead of the main house, right?” Rimee Ruu said while hiding behind Ama Min Rutim’s back. “Besides, the other men aren’t back yet, so he must have picked this house because Mida and Ryada Ruu are here. Our dad let him have a sword, so it might be a bit scary if he hung out in a house with only women around.”

“I wasn’t thinking about anything that complicated...” Jeeda grumpily replied, a shine in his yellow eyes, but it was entirely possible she had hit the nail on the head. Despite being only eight years old, Rimee Ruu was surprisingly skilled at intuiting how people felt.

“Are you leaving already, Tsuvai?” Mida suddenly interjected just as Lala Ruu was about to say something again with her brow furrowed. Tsuvai was looking even more displeased than Lala Ruu and Jeeda as she glared up at her former big brother with those large eyes of hers.

“Ama Min Rutim’s back now, so I’ll be leaving right away. There’s still work to handle back home, after all.”

“Okay...” Mida mumbled, his plump cheeks trembling. Quickly taking notice, Rimee Ruu tilted her head.

“Hey, Ama Min and Morun Rutim take turns studying how to cook, so why don’t you, Tsuvai?”

“Eh? My job is counting money! I’ve already mostly learned how to handle the stalls, so what are you complaining about?”

“Hmm? But Reina said it’d be a big help if everyone knew how to make the myamuu dish. And you can still only make giba burgers, right?”

“Lala Ruu here can’t make it why do I have to be the only one practicing?”

“But Lala’s helping out Asuta. The Ruu stalls took over that myamuu dish, so wouldn’t it be good if all three of you helpers from the Rutim clan could make it?”

“Ah, but...” Ama Min Rutim started to interject. While Rimee Ruu had a point, Tsuvai had been charged with the difficult task of managing the money. Currently, Asuta and Tsuvai were the only ones who could easily calculate things like how much money was needed to make a hundred meals, and how much profit could be made from them.

Since the number of stalls had been raised to four after reopening for business, there was talk about bringing more people on. If that happened, there wouldn’t be any need for Tsuvai to force herself to improve her cooking skills.

Ama Min Rutim had intended to say all that, but Rimee Ruu tugged on the hem of her clothing again and stared up at her with those big eyes, causing her to hold her tongue reflexively.

Could it be...? she thought to herself, and then decided to say something else.

“Naturally, it would be helpful if Tsuvai were to get more skilled at cooking, but I wouldn’t feel comfortable with trying to force her to push herself... After all, she handles the difficult task of calculating the money...”

In response, Tsuvai sulked and said, “Hey. It’s not like I care if things are a little tough for me, you know. But the one who would really have it hard is Asuta, who’d have to try teaching someone as talentless as me.”

“I certainly wouldn’t call you talentless.”

“I’m talking about when it comes to manning the stove! I hadn’t done it at all until recently, so it’s only natural I’d have no skill at it... But on the other hand, nobody can beat me when it comes to calculating money. Isn’t it simplest to just have everyone handle the work they’re good at?”

“That’s certainly true, but I don’t think it’s right to leave all the money calculations to you alone either. After all, if you were to get sick or injured and had to take time off, we would all be in quite a pinch.”

“Hmph! As if I’d get sick!”

“Even so, you don’t know what the future may hold, right? And you’re still only twelve, so I think it’s much too early to say you have no talent for manning the stove... You’ll get married someday too, so wouldn’t that be a good reason to improve your cooking skills?”

“There’s no way that someone without a clan name would be able to get married...”

“Our clan head Dan wants to give you and Oura the Rutim name as soon as possible. And since you’ve been entrusted with the important task of handling work in the post town, I doubt that day is very far off.”

Tsuvai glared at Ama Min Rutim with a look like she had jerky caught in her throat. “I don’t particularly care one way or the other. But if the clan head wants me to do something, then he should tell me.”

“That’s true. Then, when we get back, how about we consult with our clan head Dan? I’m sure it’ll be a good talk for you,” Ama Min Rutim concluded, only for Mida to speak up again.

“Then...will Tsuvai get to visit the Ruu settlement lots more?”

“Hey! Let me tell you now, I’m not coming here to play! Don’t expect me to make a detour to chat like this all the time!”

“Okay...” Mida replied with a weak sway of his large head, but there seemed to be a very happy light shining in his eyes.

Then, Ama Min Rutim felt a third tug on the hem of her clothing. When she glanced down, she found Rimee Ruu looking even happier than Mida.

“I knew I could count on you, Ama Min Rutim,” the young girl whispered into Ama Min Rutim’s ear as she bent down. The older of the two gave a strained smile, feeling like she should be thanking the youngest Ruu daughter back. After all, if it hadn’t been for Rimee Ruu’s prompting, she wouldn’t have realized how Mida was feeling.

Really, these four Ruu sisters...

Once again, Ama Min Rutim couldn’t help but feel that they were all quite the characters, not to mention wonderfully charming as well. And her impression of them was about to become even more keenly felt. From this day on, whenever she stayed over at the Ruu settlement, she would talk to whomever she was sharing a bedroom with until they fell asleep, and there would be fights over who got to be with her.

Knowing nothing of that future yet to come, Ama Min Rutim headed back home alongside Tsuvai, filled with a vague sense of satisfaction.

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