Junpei Takeda, a high school student, is childhood friends with Noriko Tatsumiya and the bully Kido Shouta. One day, during the usual course of bullying Junpei, they were suddenly summoned to a different world by the whim of “God”. Summoned Heroes with cheats, or so he thought. But it turns out Junpei’s stats were even worse than an average farmer. Tricked into a deathly labyrinth by the only one he trust, he walks the journey for revenge.
So far the best light novel I read. Not repetitive, a lot of blood and violence. No enemies that talk like idiots then get beaten and is like this for 300ch. The MP is NOT too much OP so that you know he can’t win in 2sec so he need to use his brain. Lastly, NO phrases to empathize the MP continuously. The author let you imagine what a piece of s**t jumpei is aaand you like it.