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Chapter 135: 135

泰达米拉河支流出海口,星龙与海夏的舰队形成了严密的封锁线,出海口的河床还布置了许多水雷 .

The Tedramira River branched out into the sea . The fleet of Stardragon and Hesla ships formed a tight blockade and the riverbed of the estuary was also planted with many mines .

萌芽撤离部队的行踪被两国掌握,星龙与海夏对这场战斗很重视,视为杀伤萌芽组织的绝佳机会 .

Both countries knew the whereabouts of Germinal Evacuation Troop . Stardragon and Hesla regarded this battle as high importance as it was an excellent opportunity to eliminate the Germinal Organization .

天罗地网已经布下,在两国眼中,萌芽是无路可逃的野兽,哪怕明知前方有猎人的陷阱,也只能一头撞进来 .

The inescapable net had been laid . In the eyes of the two countries, Germinal was a trapped beast; even if it knows there was a hunter trap waiting, it would have no choice but to approach it .

战场被分割成两块,两国负责不同的区域,海夏那边主要负责海路封锁,星龙则负责地面截击,这种合作方式分担职责,并且避免了指挥冲突 .

The battlefield was divided into two areas and each country was responsible for each of the two areas . Hesla was mainly responsible for the sea blockade, while Stardragon's forces were in charge of land interception . This method of co-operation split the responsibility and prevented command conflicts .

考虑到萌芽执行官的个人战斗力,十三局也派出秘勤特工作为应急小组,突击部队,肩负着特殊的战术任务,在出海口附近的一个小码头待命,听从军队指挥官的调遣 .

Considering the individual combat effectiveness of the Germinal executives, Department 13 also sent secret agents to act as the emergency team and as the assault troop . They would take on special tactical tasks and were waiting at a small dock near the estuary to be dispatched by the army commander .

张伟的小队便在其中 .

Zhang Wei's team was among them .

码头整齐停着一排冲锋艇,一顶顶绿色军用帐篷藏在码头后的小树林里 .

A row of boats meant for assault had docked neatly, and green military tents were hidden in the grove behind the dock .

两个月的时间,小队众人都没有多少变化,张伟依旧一脸正经,李雅琳依然那么性感火辣,林鹞看上去还是受气满满,兰贝特始终沉默如石 .

Despite the two months, the team did not change much . Zhang Wei was serious as before, Li Yalin was still as sexy as ever, Lin Yao still looked mistreated, and Lambert was as silent as a stone like always .

唯一的变化,就是多出了一张年轻的新面孔 .

The only change was the addition of a young new face .

"侯跃,你加入小队一个月,磨炼得差不多,这次任务事关重大,不要出差错 . "

"Hou Yue, you have joined for a month now and have been through enough training . This mission is really important, so do not make any mistake . "

小队帐篷里,张伟对着新人侯跃嘱咐道 .

Zhang Wei enjoined the newcomer Hou Yue in the team's tent .


Hou Yue was a thin young man . He had two guns around his waist . With a flowy long hair, he was quite handsome . He nodded his head and smiled arrogantly, "Leader, you worry too much! During this past month, which task had I not completed successfully?"

张伟点点头,侯跃是十三局培训出的特工,填补了韩萧的空缺加入小队,一直表现不错,让他很放心 .

Zhang Wei nodded in agreement . Hou Yue was an agent trained in Department 13 and had filled the vacancy of Han Xiao by joining the team . He had been performing well and did not cause Zhang Wei any worry .

李雅琳双手抱在胸前,叠着二郎腿坐在一旁,皱着好看的眉头,看上去心情不好 .

Li Yalin hugged her hands to her chest and sat one side with her legs folded . She was frowning and appeared to be in a bad mood .

实际上自从韩萧跑路,订金失踪的特工们上门追债,她的心情就没好过 .

The truth was; after Han Xiao had skipped town, the agents who had lost their deposits all came to get their money back and since then, her mood was never good .


Hou Yue came over and sat next to Li Yalin . He teased, "Beauty Li, what are you thinking about?"


Li Yalin glared at him and retorted, "Are you a curious baby? How is this any of your concern?"

侯跃不依不饶想要套近乎,在入队那天第一眼见到李雅琳,他就被惊艳到了,和美女做队友,赏心悦目,有事没事都找李雅琳搭讪,然而被韩萧坑了一手的李雅琳患上了"新人厌恶症",一看到侯跃就想到韩萧,自然没有好脸色 .

Hou Yue wanted to get close to Li Yalin badly . When he first joined and laid eyes on Li Yalin, he was stunned by her beauty . It pleased him to no end that he was teammates with someone this beautiful . Hence, he frequently tried to strike up conversations with Li Yalin . However, after being fooled by Han Xiao, she developed a strong dislike towards newcomers . Thus, whenever she saw Hou Yue she would think of Han Xiao and naturally, she did not have a good impression of Hou Yue .


Li Yalin was so annoyed by Hou Yue that she suddenly smiled menacingly, "You love talking right?"

说着捏了捏拳,手骨咔咔作响,黄色气焰升腾,内心的怒火全都蕴藏在了握拳的劲道中 .

While speaking, she clenched her fists and cracked her knuckles . You could almost see the anger fumes rising from within and forming in her fists .

侯跃条件反射般后退,他知道一旦李雅琳露出这种表情,就代表要动手打人了,刚入队的时候他就吃了亏,在医务部躺了三天 .

Hou Yue recoiled immediately . He knew that once Li Yalin showed this expression, she meant to beat people up . When he first joined the team, he had experienced it first hand and spent three days in the medical department .

一边看戏的林鹞摇了摇头,故作老成说道:"小猴,你还是太怂,论胆子我只服萧哥 . "

Lin Biao, who was watching from the side, shook his head and feigned maturity, "Little monkey, you are still too terrified . In terms of courage, I only admire Brother Xiao . "


"Who exactly is Brother Xiao?"

侯跃一脸不解,自从入队后,他便得知小队的满编成员是六人,却始终少了一人,按理来说不在队里的队员会被划掉名字,但这个小队的空缺第六人位置却始终保留着 .

Hou Yue was puzzled . Since joining the team, he had learned that this team's full strength was six, but there was always one person missing . It was reasonable to cross out those players who were missing but, in this team, the sixth spot was always kept .

而且时不时就能听到张伟四人念叨"萧哥",侯跃对这个第六人非常好奇 .

Also, he could always hear the team speak of "Brother Xiao" from time to time . This made Hou Yue extremely curious about this sixth person .


Li Yalin exploded immediately and fumed, "Do not mention his name in front of me!"

"咱们任务在身,你可不能揍我!"林鹞一脸镇定,双腿发抖 .

"Do not forget we still have a mission to complete, you can't punch me!" Lin Biao looked composed, but his legs were trembling .

侯跃觉得李雅琳的反应有点过激,以他的经验,这妥妥是怨妇听到抛弃她的男人时的反应…嗯,好像巨额债务关系也会有这种反应 .

Hou Yue felt that Li Yalin's reaction was slightly exaggerated . Based on his experience, this was exactly the reaction of a resentful woman who had been abandoned by her man… Hm, maybe a relationship of heavy debt could result in the same reaction as well .

张伟摇了摇头,叹了口气,解释道:"韩萧本来是我们的队员,但因为一些特殊的原因离队了 . "

Zhang Wei shook his head and let out a breath and explained, "Han Xiao was originally our teammate, however, he left because of some special reasons . "


"Special reasons?" Hou Yue used his imagination and probed, "Was he sent to carry out a special mission?"

张伟摇头 .

Zhang Wei shook his head .


"Was he transferred to another team by the superior?"

张伟摇头 .

Zhang Wei shook his head .

"那他去哪了?"侯跃纳闷了 .

"Then where did he go?" Hou Yue was bewildered .

"谁知道,八成是死了吧 . "李雅琳没好气道 .

"He could be dead for all we know . " Li Yalin huffed .

侯跃将信将疑 .

Hou Yue was skeptical .


"Who are you kidding? Why keep his spot if he really was dead? You all speak as if you all hate him, but why do I feel like you all actually miss him a lot?"

一片沉默 .

Silence .

良久,李雅琳站了起来,微微一笑 .

After a long time, Li Yalin stood and smiled slightly .

"选一种死法吧 . "

"Choose a way to die . "

侯跃撒丫子就跑 .

Hou Yue scampered off .

兰贝特摇了摇头,把悄悄出鞘的刀收了起来 .

Lambert shook his head and kept his sheathed sword .

星龙的地面军队埋伏在出海口邻近的谷地,目标是截击萌芽前来汇合的地面部队,明月长终,闪光炒饭,江雨落三人正充当后勤兵 .

Stardragon's infantry army was lying in ambush in the valley near the estuary . The goal is to intercept Germinal's infantry troops that had come to converge . Luminous Moon, Flash Rice and Jiang Yuluo served as backline support .

三人在内测的时候加入了星龙军队,此时已经兑换出了主职业,闪光炒饭和江雨落都是武道系,明月长终人品爆发,用商城的基因液觉醒了异能 .

The three had joined Stardagon Army during Beta-testing but had since changed their professions . Flash Rice and Jiang Yuluo were in the martial arts line while Bright Moon's character had exploded and awakened his ability using the mall's DNA .

作为新兵,这次战争三人也被征召过来做些后勤 . 让三人喜出望外的是,竟然触发了一个阵营系列任务——[泰达米拉河战役] .

As recruits, they were also appointed to act as backline support in this battle . What pleased them was that they managed to spark a Camp-destroyer series quest - [The Battle of Tedramira River] .

惊喜之后,三人很快就苦恼了,系列任务有十几个目标,他们只能完成系列任务中最简单,奖励最低的几个后勤目标,其他那些诸如击杀十名萌芽士兵,击杀萌芽执行官,摧毁载具之类的任务,完全超出了他们的能力范围 .

However, they soon became frustrated . This series had more than a dozen targets . They could only complete the few backline support targets in the series which were the simplest and had least rewards . Other tasks such as killing ten Germinal soldiers, assassinating a Germinal executive or destroying transport vehicles were completely beyond their capabilities .

"这好像不是我们的等级应该触发的任务 . "明月长终如是说道 .

"This does not seem like our level of mission . " Bright Moon grumbled .

闪光炒饭和江雨落深以为然,都觉得应该是卷入了超越等级的高难任务,以他们的新手等级,只能打酱油 .

Both Flash Rice and Jiang Yuluo agreed . They were drawn into a difficult mission that was totally beyond their current level . Looking at their novice level, it was simply none of their business .

三人不知道,萌芽与六国发生正面冲突,是在公测的游戏内时间三个月后,那个时候玩家都已经对世界格局有了基本的了解,并且也拥有了一些战斗力,六国与萌芽的冲突从小范围开始,循序渐进,让玩家慢慢参与其中,并且发挥作用 .

The three of them had no idea that Germinal and the Six Nations had a head-on conflict that happened three months after the beta game . At that time, the players had a basic understanding of the world structure, and they also possessed some combat strength . The conflict between Germinal and the Six Nations started happening on a very small scale, and bit by bit, it enabled players to be involved and had a chance to exhibit .

然而韩萧彻底把进程打乱了,提前了六国萌芽之间的正面冲突,所以现在的玩家根本没有能力参与其中,嗯…确切来说,玩家们被坑掉了本该有的主线剧情任务 .

However, Han Xiao had completely disrupted the whole process . He had brought forward the conflict between the Six Nations and Germinal, leaving the current players totally uncappable of participating . Hm, to be exact, the players had been cheated of their original main quest .

这对韩萧来说利大于弊,减少了玩家前期带来的变数,让他们只能打酱油 .

This benefited Han Xiao as it decreased the variables bought by the players .



两架印有法瑞安标记的重型运输直升机,缓缓降落在一片山谷,旋翼卷起的狂风吹袭,降落地点的草丛向四面八方倒伏抖动,宛若草浪 .

Two heavy-duty transport helicopters bearing a Fabian logo landed slowly in a valley; the wind was so strong that the grass at the landing site swayed in all directions like a wave .

"老黑,到站了 . "驾驶员安东诺夫有气无力道 .

"Old Black, we've arrived . " Pilot Antonio lazily called .


"I've eyes to see . Also, do not call me Old Black!"

韩萧语带不满,"要叫就叫黑幽灵,你瞎叫影响我的运气 . "

Han Xiao retorted, "Call Black Phantom if you must, foolishly calling me Old Black will affect my luck . "

安东诺夫摘下降噪耳机,向韩萧喷了口烟,"得了吧,你根本没那种东西 . "

Antonio removed his noise reduction earpiece and puffed out a cloud of smoke, "Forget it, you don't have much luck anyway . "

"滚蛋 . "韩萧没好气道 .

"Get lost . " Han Xiao said irritably .


In the past two months, Han Xiao had maintained a good working relationship with Fabian, and Antonio's was warming up to him day by day . If this was an indescribable game, it would be obvious now…

看了一眼缩在驾驶座调试仪表盘的肉山,韩萧急忙把这个可怕的想法甩出脑海 .

Looking at ball of human flesh on the driver's seat, Han Xiao hurriedly cleared this horrible thought off his mind .

狂刀怒剑缩在直升机角落,瑟瑟发抖看着两个危险度都是"极度致命"的大佬谈笑风生,他本以为韩萧会开车前往地点,谁知道韩萧只是打了个电话,就有两架直升机来接他们,韩萧在他心里的形象顿时更加高大上 .

Fury Blade hid in a corner on the helicopter, shivering while he watched the two 'extremely deadly' godfathers talked and laughed merrily . Fury Blade had thought that Han Xiao would drive to their destination but with just a phone call, two helicopters came to pick them up . At this moment, Fury Blade thought even higher of Han Xiao .

法瑞安的人员把直升机上的物资搬下来,大部分都是韩萧寄存在法瑞安的武器装备,这次行动能用得上,还有一辆拆开折叠的货车,法瑞安的维修工在地上重新组装起来,韩萧和安东诺夫在一旁聊天 .

Employees from Fabian carried down the supplies from the helicopters, and most items were weapons that Han Xiao had deposited with Fabian . He though he could use these weapons for this mission . There was also a dissembled truck that Fabian's maintenance team was working on to reassemble the truck . Meanwhile, Han Xiao and Antonio were chatting at one side .


Antonio had always thought Han Xiao was only interested in the bounty, and asked curiously, "I heard Stardragon and Hesla are planning to intersect the retreating Germinal Troops in the Tedramidra River, but what bad blood do you have with Germinal?"

"你怎么知道我帮哪边?"韩萧呵呵一笑 .

"How do you know which side I'll be helping?" Han Xiao chuckled .


Antonio held a cigar in one hand, the other tucked in his jeans pocket and frowned, "Are you thinking of helping Germinal instead?"

虽然萌芽是地下世界的巨无霸,但其他势力对其敬而远之,归根结底,其实地下世界更希望秩序存在,稳定的局面才能盈利,萌芽组织在他们眼中的定位就是一群以仇恨与理念为动力的暴徒 .

Although Germinal was big in the underground world, other forces always kept at a respectful distance from them . Ultimately, the underground world preferred to coexist peacefully . Afterall, only a stable situation would lead to profits . Germinal Organization was seen as a group of bandits who used hatred as motivation .

韩萧不置可否,走到一边,拿出电话拨打另一个号码,电话里传出血契联合会一位负责人的声音 .

Han Xiao refused to comment and walked to one side . He took out his phone and dialed another number, and the voice of Blood Pact Society's personnel could be heard .

"黑幽灵先生,请问您有什么需求 . "

"Mr . Black Phantom, may I help you?"

自从他攀上杀手榜前十,血契联合会就十分重视他,给他专门的待遇,二十四小时专人负责接听他的号码,提供特殊服务…嗯,正经的特殊服务 .

Ever since Han Xiao made it to top ten of the killer list, Blood Pact Society valued him greatly and gave him special treatment; there was someone on standby 24-hours to answer his calls and provide special services . Mm, decent and proper services .

地位一部分来源于实力,一部分来源于韩萧和本尼特的良好关系,得到暗网组织的重视 .

Part of the status comes from his capabilities, and the other part was from his good relationship with Bennett, which was valued by the Dark Net Organization .

"我需要萌芽撤离军队与星龙海夏的最新动向 . "

"I need the latest movement of both the retreating Germinal Troops as well as Stardragon and Hesla's troops .

"好的,正在申请调阅,很快会发到您的电脑上 . "

"Sure, I'm accessing the documents now, will send it to your computer shortly . "

"嗯,我还需要一架直升机随时在泰达米拉河出海口附近待命 . "

"Ok, I also need a helicopter on call at the small dock near the estuary of Tedramira River . "

"如您所愿 . "

"As you wish . "

一边的狂刀怒剑听得清清楚楚,听这口吻就觉得韩萧特牛逼,这腿好粗的感觉 .

Fury Blade who was listening at one side heard everything clearly . From his tone, he could really feel how powerful and strong Han Xiao was .

挂了电话,韩萧见狂刀怒剑在一旁,想了想,编了个任务丢过去 .

After hanging up, Han Xiao noticed Fury Blade who was idling at one side . He thought for a bit and decided to give him a mission that he just came up with .

"你触发任务[嗨起来]!任务要求:跳一段热舞活跃气氛 . "

"Your first mission [Get high]! Requirement: Dance sexily to brighten the mood . "

狂刀怒剑顿时泪流满面 .

Fury Blade's face was full of tears .


Ah, the familiar taste of evil pranks!

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